Chapter 39: Gran Torino Returns to FHAE & Classes

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3rd Pov:

As Gran Torino was walking up the path towards the dorms, he could only think back on what Hisashi said about Izuku's mental state when he was younger. 'Dammit Toshinori you guys really screwed up far worse than you can imagine.' he thought. Soon he walked into the building and was noticed by the students and staff from UA. "Gran Torino, where have you been? you've been gone for hours." asked All Might. Gran Torino just looked at them all and grunted before he spoke. "I went and talked to my grandson and spent time with him. Where else would I be?" he stated. Everyone was silent. 

"Why... why didn't you tell us?" Green Tornado (Inko) asked with a shaky voice. "We wanted to see our so-" she was about to say son but Gran Torino cut her off. "He's not your son. He hasn't been your son since he was 4 years old. Also, why would I tell you? I needed to speak to Hisashi Midoriya first to even get to Izuku Midoirya." Gran Torino stated with him having a slight glare at the Yagi's. He was still quite a bit pissed about Izuku's past mental state that they caused. 

"Grandpa we want to try and to reconnect with Izuku! Please tell us where we can find him." Izumi asked. Gran Torino just shook his head. "It's easy to find where he's at. He's in the Titan's Tower. However, you won't even get close to him before the guards would kill you. You all are not exactly welcomed in that building. Just saying the word Yagi had the guards on guard with their hands on their guns." Gran Torino said. "Also, remember this right now. You don't get to force Izuku to reconnect. If he wants to reconnect that is 100% up to him and not you. Also, don't call him brother or son since he isn't and hasn't been since he was 4 years old." Gran Torino said before walking off.

Soon the yagi's and Bakugo's got up and went to their rooms for the night. The other students were just sitting downstairs and talked for a bit more. "Guys! I got an idea! What if we try to help the Yagi's and Bakugo's reconnect with Izuku?" stated Uraraka who has become close friends with Izumi Yagi. Some were hesitant to get into the situation while others were supportive. They agreed to try and get Izuku to be alone with the others when they had the chance or to start conversations that would lead them to talk.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

It was about another week before the first training session with Featherless was scheduled to happen. Gran Torino had stopped by the Titan tower and had talked with Izuku, Hisashi, and the other boys. He even talked to the other boy's parents and created connections with them as well. It was early morning and you could find Gran Torino in the kitchen with Hisashi enjoying some breakfast that Izuku had cooked. "Thanks for cooking for my grandson. Those fools back there are horrible cooks." Gran Torino said as he started to eat his favorite dessert taiyaki. 'That isn't a dam breakfast!' thought everyone but they wouldn't say it out loud.

Soon, it was time to leave for the school since the Featherless team would be helping the UA students in a quirk control class today to try and bring new ideas out for their quirks. The boys and Gran Torino arrived on campus and walked into the building. After about 5 minutes they arrived at the joint classroom that both class 3-A & 3-B would be in today. Most of the time the students are following the FHAE students around but on certain days they have joint classes with just their UA students that they train on. 

"Good morning to you Featherless." Stated Kronos who was in charge of these joint session days. Featherless was happy to see their former teacher. "Hey Kronos. It's been a while. Sorry, we didn't get to talk the last time we were here." Izuku said. Soon the students from UA came into the classroom and sat down. 

"Today you will be learning quirk control. The idea for this class is to come up with new ways to use your quirk, adapt it to new situations, find weaknesses you have, and overcome them. Any questions?" Izuku asked. One person had asked what they wanted to be called and Izuku just stated for them to call them their hero names. After about 5 more minutes the team lead the students out to the stadium.

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