Chapter 16: Entrance Exam in Germany & Japan

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3rd Pov:

It was the same day around the world. The entrance exams for high schools and/or hero schools. Today people across the entire world woke up in the morning and set out on their day with the goal of getting into the school of their dream. Izuku and his friends were no exception to this nor were Izumi Yagi and the Bakugo twins. 

Izumi Pov:

I woke up and realized it was today. It's been years since my brother has gone missing. Birthdays were a bit less cheerful knowing that my brother was gone. We still celebrated my and his birthday. We did my party and then we had a small get together for his birthday later in the day where we would light a candle on a cupcake and wish for him to be in good health. 'Brother... I don't know if you're still alive but I hope you are healthy wherever you are at.' Izumi thought. Soon I went about my early morning routine and ate breakfast with my parents. "Good Luck sweety! Remember just do your best and no matter what result you get you will know you did everything you could currently do." mom said. Dad just rubbed my head and wished me luck. Soon I walked out of the house and went to the Bakugo's where they were just exiting their house. "You guys ready?" I asked them and they said they were. 

Soon we arrived at the entrance exam for UA. It was amazing to see the school building. After we talked for a few moments we went in and registered for the exam. The written exam only took one hour and all three of us think we did well. Overall, both Bakugo's think they will do fine with their explosion quirks and I think I will do great with my telekinesis quirk. Soon we arrived inside a room for the announcements about the physical portion of the test. The staff member in charge of announcing the rules was Present Mic.

"Listen up everyone as I explain the rules!

Each defeated Villain Bot is worth a certain amount of points, which are assigned to the Bots according to their difficulty level:

1 Point - Easy Villains2 Points - Medium Villains3 Points - Hard Villains0 Points - Arena Traps

Arena Traps are massive Villain Bots scattered through the city replicas in order to trap and weed out people from getting high scores. They're not meant to be fought, which is why they're worth no points.

Candidates are not allowed to fight other candidates. Doing so results in disqualification. Students hailing from the same middle school are placed in different testing areas to avoid potential cooperation.

Now, let us start the exam!" Present Mic yelled out.

3rd Pov:

Soon the three friends split up to their exam sites and wait for the exam to start. Soon Mic yelled out a go which confused everyone. Then he said that there was no countdown in hero work. This got everyone to start running! Soon, we could see many people destroying robots but Izumi was just tearing her way through since she could rip the robot wires out and snap the neck of the robots which would break them. 

As people were fighting it out we could see the staff talking about the children taking the exam. Principal Nezu said that the best students use a combination of skill, speed, power, and focus to score the most points in the end. Some teachers pointed out the Bakugo twins and Izumi Yagi since they were doing so great. This made Nezu look at All Might who was in the room and then looked at the staff. "Indeed they are doing good. They will no doubt make it in. However, for full disclosure, they are being placed on probation for the rest of their time here at UA. It may be removed depending on their behavior after the first year but for now, they are on thin ice. You all know the story about Izuku Yagi the son of All Might and Green Tornado. These three students had a hand in that as well due to physical and verbal bullying. As such, they are thin ice and are required to be in anger management and therapy during their entire time here at UA." Nezu said. This caused everyone some shock and some wondered why they were even being allowed to attend the school. "They were still kids and the school approved of their actions. They needed to learn their lesson and so far they haven't had any trouble since Izuku Yagi disappeared. That is why they are on thin ice and will be let in." Nezu said to calm everyone down. 

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