Chapter 28: Winter Break End & Semester Start

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3rd Pov:

We were at the end of the winter break and would start classes soon. Everyone decided to get back into a training schedule since we relaxed a bit during the winter break. As such, we found ourselves down in the Titan's training rooms and were fighting the agents.

The last time we were all in this ring is when we all were able to take on mid-level agents and win the fights quirkless

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The last time we were all in this ring is when we all were able to take on mid-level agents and win the fights quirkless. Now, we all had the goal to defeat high-level agents. These agents are people who have been in the Titan group for years and have taken out a range of villains. These are the agents that will take on missions that would be described as suicide missions. 

Everyone went into the ring one at a time and slowly but surely won their matches. They were not able to win them easily and were very bruised and beaten up but so was the agent. Seth had appeared the less damaged out of everyone. Even Izuku had taken some serious damage and they all had to be healed for several bone fractures. "Good job boys. Not many people can claim they took on a high-level agent and walk away somewhat okay even in a quirkless spar. These agents don't hold back their punches and aim to take their enemies out with the quickest results." Hisashi said as he was watching with the leaders from Titan. "Hey, dad. How's your day going," said Izuku while catching his breath since he was the last fighter. "Good Son. Remember your classes start back up next week." Hisashi said. Izuku told him that they knew and that is why they were down training with the agents. 

Soon the last week passed and the school started back up again. The boys found themselves in their classroom for their last semester. "Hello! Welcome back. Remember this is your last semester and this is the semester where we need to work out any flaws we might find and get any last-minute creative ideas tested since you will be trying for your full hero exam near the end of the semester and will set off to either join an agency or start your own." Kronos said as he entered the room. The boys were all pumped up and were looking forward to their hero exams. 

Soon they got to their lessons and training. Their classes were like normal and training as the same. Most of the different aspects came from the work-studies that they did during the afternoon. This semester they would also spend more time doing work with the Iron Hearts agency and less with their individual mentors. 

-- Time Skip --

Battle Sparing was taking place and Izuku had a sudden idea. He knew he had to use a lot of energy for weapons that had a complex form like a blade but what about a bow and arrow? Izuku decided to ask for some targets to be throw in the air at random by Leon and have them fly around via his vector control. Izuku then focused and formed a bow. Everyone was shocked at what he was attempting to do. If Izuku could pull this off then he would have a very long-range attack to use. Soon Izuku bow was formed enough for him to use. He placed his hand on the bowstring and pulled it back. As he did an arrow started to form and he looked at the targets and let the arrow go. As the arrow it one of the targets that were being held up in the air by Leon the arrow exploded into a ball of fire. It consumed all of the other targets that were nearby as well.

"um... didn't think that would happen..." Izuku said while scratching his neck. Everyone just gave him a 'you think!?' face and they had Izuku try to control the power a bit so it didn't explode like that. Soon, after about 2 hours of training, he was able to make the explosion small enough that it only broke the one target and not anything else. "With that level of force, you can use it on people without killing them. However, I suggest not using it on people and using it on things you plan to destroy or kill." Kronos said who has been in shock the entire time. Izuku now had his enhanced body, his shield, his weaker multi shields, his whip, and now his bow and arrow. Overall, Izuku was a versatile hero who could deal with a lot of threats. 

Luke and Kyle figured out how to enhance their claws as Seth does. They had talked to him lately on how he does it and they figured out a method of their own. As such, they now had their claws enhanced with their respective energy in their half-transformed states but also their fully transformed states as well. Leon figured out how to change the vectors of the other team members to grant them invisibility as he has. When he wants to grant them invisibility without directly touching them, he needs to visual a connection between them in his mind and that allows him to change another person's vectors. He also discovered that this method works for anything else within a certain range and allows him to control his blades much easier and faster. As such, as long as the team stayed within 50 feet of Leon he can keep them invisible for up to 5 minutes currently unlike his current max of 15 minutes for himself. 

Overall, the semester had kicked off with a great start. As such, they decided to call it a day and get ready for their work-studies that were in 1 hour. Luckily they would all be going to the same location since they are doing the team-based work-study today with Irons Hearts Agency. Soon, they arrived at the agency and were given their assignments. They were hunting down for information on a gang base in the outer city area in the shadier part of Berlin. The gang was selling trigger and the government wanted them to put out of business ASAP. As such, everyone on hand was sent in to find the gang and its base. 

-- Time Skip --

1 week has passed and the Featherless had found the location of the base. They discovered some drug runners that had delivered some drugs. They followed the drug runner for an entire week and he finally had to go back to resupply. The drug runner then met up with a different person that stocked him up. The team then changed and followed the newest person while sending information about the drug runner to the HQ. They followed the supplier to the drug runner back to a warehouse where Vector scouted via his invisibility and saw in the windows. There was an entire operation inside the building. As such, they called it in and were told to wait for back-up since the government wanted everything wrapped up in one go. As such, 30 minutes later 20 different heroes arrived on site. "Good job on finding the location of this operation boys." stated the leader of the IRON Hearts agency. Everyone was soon divided up into their teams and were sent in from different directions of the warehouse. 

After one hour of fighting and the police arriving the operation was done. Some of the gang members had drugged up on the trigger when the heroes came in and it got a bit messing for a bit of time but they were able to subdue the villains due to the overwhelming power of all of the heroes on the case. The heroes also found some information on all of the people that were apart of the gang. As such, the heroes would hunt down the members over time since the main operation center was taken out already. The boys were dismissed and told to go home for the day since they had done enough work. They would need to show up at the agency to complete all the paperwork. 

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