Chapter 11: Yagi's & Sparring

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3rd Pov:

It's been 7 months for the Yagi's and there still hasn't been any word about their son. The police search had gone cold and the police have declared Izuku Yagi dead and announced the end of the investigation due to lack of evidence. People were disappointed that Izuku Yagi the son of All Might and Green Tornado was never found. Trust in All Might and Green Tornado has taken a hit but they still maintained their positions by the skin of their teeth and the fact that everyone could see how it impacted the Yagi family. All Might would still smile but everyone could tell it was night as bright as before. Green Tornado announced that she was going to start rolling back her active duties and start some charities to help other people that found themselves in situations like their son. 

Izumi Yagi was less cheerful and was losing hope. She regretted everything she did to her brother and wished she could make it up to him. She would cry herself to sleep sometimes at night when she thought back to her brother and her mistakes. The Bakugo's twins were only slightly better. Katsuki recognized how screwed up he became due to the teachers at his school and took his therapy seriously. He still had an attitude and complex but it wasn't to the degree it was before. Katsumi had taken the hit a little harder than most knew because she had a crush on Izuku but recognized the fact that he would never go for her after everything she and the others did to her. 

Soon the school was closed down and demolished because of what they allowed to happen. A lot of the teachers were arrested that knew of the bullying and those that didn't know about it had their licenses removed and they had to return for retraining. UA announced that the school would be accepting quirkless people into all programs since they had a rule against quirkless people in any program. Nezu came out and said that if a quirkless person can pass the exams to get into any of the courses then they deserved to be there as much as a quirked person. The public didn't have much push back since the quirkless person would still have to pass the same exam which everyone else did. No special measures were taken as such no one had room to object to the change. 

"Hello All Might what can I help you with?" Nezu asked as All Might sat down in the office. "I was wondering if there was any way I and Inko could work here when Izumi attempts to attend. I want to try and make my time limit last as long as I can so if I find Izuku I can give him my quirk. I want to at least offer it to him. If I start running real short on time I will have no choice but to give it to someone else." All Might asked. Nezu sat there thinking for some time. "I'm sure we can swing it. You will have to make sure your public image stays intact and can't take any more hits before you start teaching. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to announce it and survive it since you would be working with kids which you fucked up once already. Remember the deal you have with the courts. Screw up with kids again and you go straight to jail without trial." Nezu said. All Might thanked him and went home to tell Inko about the update. Inko wanted to educate the next generation on being better than them and she wanted to watch over Izumi before she became a hero. 

-- Scene change to Germany --

3rd Pov:

It's been a month since Izuku had started school he has started to warm up to Luke and Kyle and they have noticed it which has only encouraged them to keep working at it. Izuku did tell the entire group (Leon, Kyle, Luke, and Seth) about his entire past and who his biological family was, and who had adopted him. Kyle and Luke understood why Izuku was worried about them only wanting to be with him due to the soulmate mark. They promised him that they would show him that they don't need the mark to love him and will one day prove it and court him into a relationship with them. However, for now, they said they would start out as friends until Izuku felt comfortable enough with them to move forward. Izuku thanked them for that and did give them each a peck on the cheek which caused them to blush and grin at Izuku who just walked away.

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