Part 1

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I am laying on the couch watching MTV when Ryla comes running in the house, excited about something.

"Ari! Ari!" I gave her a confused look because she was so excited about something.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're gonna love me even more after this!" She promised.

"Why? What did you do?!"

"I got us tickets to go see Bruno Mars in concert! Tonight!" She screamed, a smile so wide on her face. I was pretty sure it couldn't get any wider.

I sat up, my eyes wide. I was excited because I loved Bruno Mars! I hugged her.

I hugged her again and screamed with excitement.

"Get ready!" She commanded.

I ran to my room and put on a pink sun dress and white heels. I didn't do anything to my hair because it was naturally curly and... brown. I put on some make up, grabbed my purse, then came out of my room.

Ryla was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt that said 'Peace' across the front.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

I nodded.

We get in Ryla's dark blue Equinox and headed to The Center Bruno is playing at. Everybody just called it 'The Center' because it was in the center of our town in Brooklyn.

After forty-five minutes of driving, we finally make it to the center and parked as close as we could to the building.

"Lets go backstage first so he can autograph our stuff before it gets too crowed back there." Ryla suggested.

I raised an eyebrow, so confused. I mean, you have to have a backstage pass to get back there. "But how? They wont let us in yet!"

"My friend is the guard for the back door, he'll let us in."

We sneak around back.

"Hey Ryla, hey Ari." Namon greeted.

"Hey!" Ryla and I said at the same time.

"I'll let you in but please don't piss Bruno off. We are trying to keep him in a good mood for the concert." He begged.

Namon opened the door and we went in.

We went where we heard a bunch of crazy fans screaming so we turned left into a room and waited for the other fans to leave before we went in.

I just smiled as I walked in there, trying to stay as calm as I could so he didn't think I was an idiot

"Hi Bruno!" I say, trying to stay calm.

"Hey! How you doing?" He said, obviously trying to flirt.

"Great, anyway, can you sign this photo?" Bruno nodded.

"Yeah sure!" Bruno signed the picture.

"Thanks." I smile. As I start to walk away, Bruno grabs my wrist.


His touch sent chills down my spine. I turned and looked in his big brown eyes. Oh God, his eyes are gonna burn a hole straight through my heart.

"Yeah?" I had butterflies.

"What's your name?" His eyes piercing a hole 

"Ari uh- Ariana."

"Wow! Beautiful name, just like you." Bruno winks. He's such a flirt. I mean, I should know that Bruno says this to all his fans to make sure they adore him.

When I'm With You (A Bruno Mars Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now