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Over the next couple of nights, Jimin comes home for only a few hours of rest at a time before leaving again to continue his schedule.

You smile at his peaceful sleeping face but also frown at his exhaustion. You haven't even had a chance to have sex lately since he's so tired after work.

Last night, he only slept three hours before his alarm sounded for him to start a new day. He kisses your forehead before leaving your home, and you drift back to sleep without a problem.

Later, at the company building, you run into BTS in the corridor as you usually do. You bow to all the members and kiss Jimin on his soft lips. "Hi, baby."

He hugs you tightly and whispers in your ear, "Dinner tonight? My family will be here."

You pull away, surprised. "This is so sudden."

He nods and cups your face. "I know. I'm sorry. If you don't want to come, I understand. But I'm going to tell them we're dating."

You can't fight your smile from surfacing. "I definitely want to be there to see their reactions."

He kisses you again and simultaneously strokes your cheek with his thumb before running off to catch up with the other members. "Meet at my car at 8 pm!" he yells before disappearing around the corner.

You raise an eyebrow and cock your head. His car? You don't know what kind of car he drives. You didn't even know he had one of his own.

You promptly arrive in the parking garage at 8 pm and look around. Staff pass by and wish you a good night, bowing and smiling politely. You let five minutes pass before you take out your phone to call Jimin.

"Who are you calling?" a whisper in your ear and a peck on the back of your neck sends chills down your spine. Jimin wraps his arms around you from behind and giggles.

You escape from his loving hold and face him to plant a longing kiss on his lips. "I wasn't sure which car is yours so I waited awkwardly."

He apologizes and takes your hand, leading you to a sleek black Porsche with tinted windows.

"This is yours?"

He presses a button on his keyring to unlock the doors remotely. "Yours, too. If you ever want to drive it."

You shake your head vigorously as he smirks. "I don't even have my own car. I never drive myself anywhere."

He opens the passenger door, allowing you to slip into the cushioned leather seat. He fits himself into the driver's seat and starts the engine. You watch him through your side-eye and bite your lip. He's so sexy for this.

As he speeds through the streets of Seoul, you reach another parking garage where Jimin discreetly hands the Porsche over to valet. Another staff member escorts you through a door that seems obvious but also too ordinary to raise suspicion.

This has all been arranged by Jimin to protect his privacy. You follow the motions and take mental notes in case you want to plan a date in the future.

You finally walk into a beautiful room decorated with gold molding, ivory fabrics, and marble figurines. Candles are lit along the lengthy table and bouquets of flowers dress the center. There are 5 places set, and Jimin walks to pull out a chair, gesturing for you to sit.

You take your seat and realize your jaw has been unhinged. Closing your trap, you clear your throat and wait for the waiter to vacate the private dining room.

"Where are we?"

Jimin removes his coat and brushes his hair back with his fingers. His silver rings sparkle in the candlelight. "Just a restaurant I found online. This room is specially prepared, however. Through those doors," he points, "the rest of the restaurant doesn't look like this."

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