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Luckily, you awaken with only a slight hangover. You can manage to wash up and get dressed before Jimin opens his eyes.

He gets ready quickly, and you neatly pack your luggage, making sure not to leave anything behind.

The cab ride to the station is quiet. Jimin wears a paperboy cap, sunglasses, and an oversized jacket. You want to tell him he obviously looks like an idol, but it's the last day and you're heading home anyway so you let it go.

Meanwhile, you wear plain denim jeans, a white blouse, and black jacket. Your hair is pulled back into a ponytail and hidden under a dad hat. Basic enough to blend into a crowd.

At the station, you see the next train for Seoul is in about an hour. You turn to Jimin and shrug. "We could find somewhere to eat before we depart."

He nods and accompanies you to the nearby convenience store. You share a bowl of ramen and snacks until your train begins to board.

Once seated in the last car of the train, you take your jacket off and wrap it around you like a blanket. Jimin's head rests on the back of his seat, and he doesn't say much. He must be more hungover than you are.

You're on an express train, so the ride is much faster than expected, and after two hours, the conductor asks passengers to prepare for arrival.

Jimin's head rolls back and forth as he dozes off. You lay his head on your shoulder and sit like that until you arrive at Seoul station. When the train comes to a complete stop, you wait a few minutes for others to leave the car first as you've done a number of times before, and then wake Jimin.

"Sleepyhead, time to get up."

He stirs awake and takes off his sunglasses to rub his eyes. "Mhm," he groans.

"Sorry to wake you. The ride was so fast."

"I'm still a bit hungover," he admits. "I'll have to sleep all day to be ready for my shoots tomorrow."

You smile and rub his shoulder. "Let's get going then."

He carries your luggage off the train and replaces the sunglasses on his face, walking coolly to where your personal drivers should be waiting.

As you cross the open square at the front of the station, you hear screaming. Turning your head to the direction of the voices, you notice girls pulling their phones out, ready to run.

You squeeze Jimin's hand quickly and separate yourself from him, blending into the general crowd. You steal a glance and see he's been mobbed again. Despite being hungover and sleepy, however, he is still his sweet and caring self.

As you reach your car, your driver swiftly loads your luggage into the trunk and opens the backseat door for you. You hesitate to enter, turning around to see what's happened to Jimin.

Your driver gives you a gentle nudge to climb into the backseat. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Let him take the publicity hit. If we leave right away, it's possible you won't get caught."

You nod, knowing this is true but unfair. You buckle your seatbelt and unlock your phone as your driver presses the pedal, fleeing the scene. The first thing you notice when you open your social apps is candid pictures of Jimin and posts about his location at the station.

You feel guilty for leaving him alone in the square. But how would you explain it to your company? It would be a publicity nightmare starting shipping wars and rumors.

You get home and unpack your bags, throwing everything in the laundry. You have a few of Jimin's shirts that you borrowed. Does he expect to get them back?

You allow half an hour to pass before you give Jimin a call.

"Y/N," he answers. "Did you get home safely?"

"Yes. Did you?"

He tells you about the fiasco that took place after you left. "My driver had to push some fans away, and I was worried they might get hurt. When I tried to check on them, other fans grabbed at my shirt, and they may have snapped photos with the hickeys on my neck."

You blush and awkwardly play with the hem of your shirt. "So, the company will be asking about those hickeys."

He hums. "I won't tell them about you. They'll probably cover it up anyway and say the pics are edited."

You purse your lips, hating how everything has to be kept secret or covered up. "Get some rest before your schedule picks back up," you advise. He agrees and hangs up, leaving you with a strangely empty feeling.

Jimin's absence is an elephant in the room. It's overwhelming, and it's disturbing how small you feel without him.

You review the details of your comeback schedule and make notes, planning to call and discuss your final revisions with Bang-PD tomorrow.

You retreat to bed and make sure to replace the batteries in your vibrator. Finding a comfortable spot in the middle of your bed, you let the toy serve its purpose.

After nearly an hour, you struggle to reach climax and frustratedly shut the toy off, tossing the damned thing to the side. Turning the TV on for background noise, you close your eyes and recall the details of the previous two weeks, falling asleep to the sweet memories and unforgettable moments of intimacy and companionship.

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