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You awaken with a debilitating headache and press your hand against your head, sitting up.

The room is a mess—clothes strewn across the floor, pillows at the foot of the bed, and the sheets peeling off the mattress.

You look over to Jimin, sleeping soundly and snoring through his pouty lips. Then you notice the marks on his neck and shoulders. Hickeys? They weren't there before...

You lift the blanket from your body and realize you're naked and sticky.


We had sex?

Your mind races as you can't clearly remember what happened. You're hungover and your head aches terribly.

Just then, Jimin awakens with a groan. He rubs his eyes with his palms and glances at your bare, bruised back. You face him to gauge his expression. He looks shocked.

"What..." he begins.

You shrug. "I guess we had sex."

He shakes his head and exaggeratedly blinks a few times. "I vaguely remember, but somehow I thought it was a dream."

You cover your face with the blanket and tuck your knees to your chest, embarrassed. "I think you made me squirt," you say shyly.

Jimin laughs and falls into his pillow. "Yeah, that happened."

You pick your head up and sigh as you feel thick, warm liquids spilling from your vagina. "It seems you came inside me. I'm on birth control so, no worries."

He awkwardly reaches his hand towards you. After a moment, you place yours in his. "I'm sorry," he says, caressing the back of your hand.

Confused, you ask, "For what?"

"I don't know how it happened, but we shouldn't have had a one night stand," he says. "Sorry about that."

You dumbly look at him. "One night stand?"

He nods. "It won't happen again. We're just friends, after all."

You synchronize your nod with his, although you feel a twitch in your chest. He wouldn't want to have sex with you again?

You're kind of glad you had sex with Park Jimin. He's everyone's idol. You just wish you could remember it.

Escaping the dirty sheets, you plan to shower when you see that the shower head is left carelessly dangling in the stall. You wonder if you'd tried to masturbate with the shower head last night, since you've done it before when you ran out of batteries for your toy.

But how did that lead to sex with Jimin?

Despite how hard you try to remember, you just can't seem to come up with the details. After your shower, you study your hickeys in the bathroom mirror.

He sucked your neck, shoulders, chest, breasts, nipples, stomach, back, thighs...basically everywhere. You're completely marked.

After dragging your feet in the bathroom to avoid confrontation, you finally enter the bedroom and sit on the bed in your towel, deciding to face it. "Jiminie...should we talk about it?"

He shakes his head. "Let's try to forget it. It'd ruin our friendship."

"But it happened..." you continue.

He looks at you sorrowfully. "I shouldn't have marked you like that. I'm so sorry." He traces a hickey on your shoulder. The sensation makes you shiver.

You edge away from him. "Don't be sorry. It's part of sex."

He groans into his pillow and sits up. Your eyes naturally fall to his chiseled abs and you blink several times to refocus. He says, "We were drunk. It wouldn't have happened if we were sober."

You turn away from him and gaze out the window, letting your mind do the talking but keeping your mouth shut. He really is stubborn.

After a short silence, Jimin reaches for your arm. You turn to face him. He says, "I really hope this doesn't make things weird between us."

You rack your brain for a response, but really you want to tell him that you enjoyed it even if you can't remember it, and you'd fuck him again if you had the chance. Instead, you say, "Of course not."

He rolls out of bed and takes his turn in the shower. Meanwhile, you do your best to squeeze the remainder of his cum out of you. It's a lot.

When you're both dressed, you find a restaurant and order sundubu-jigae, the perfect remedy for a hangover.

The torturous effects of intoxication dwindle and fade as you finish your meal. Jimin operates like normal while you can't ignore the soreness in and around your vagina. He must've hammered you hard.

Leaving the restaurant, you spot a bowling alley with an indoor arcade. "That looks fun," you say.

Jimin pulls you over and escorts you inside. He challenges you to all types of games, and it seems he lets you win most of them. "Hey, don't baby me," you confront him.

He laughs and shoots a basketball through the hoop, nothing but net. "If I truly focus on the games, you won't even stand a chance."

You bet that you can win the next three games of your choice and Jimin shrugs. "Choose wisely."

You challenge him to skee ball and work earnestly to distract him while he throws, skewing his aim. He laughs childishly and bends over. "Stop it! I can't see when I'm laughing."

You begin to laugh insanely as well. "Open your eyes!"

He straightens and presents a dramatically serious face, widening his eyes as much as he can. You push his chest and fall into another stream of laughter.

Afterwards, you win the bet and beat him at three consecutive games. Your success is mostly attributed to your cheap strategy of making Jimin weak with laughter so that he couldn't perform at his best.

When you rent a lane for bowling, Jimin chooses a bright pink ball and brings it over to you. "For the lady," he jokes.

You push him to the side and select a heavier ball of blue color. "Keep the pink one for yourself," you say. "Your little fingers can only handle so much weight."

You bowl and play together, totally happy and at ease. If you weren't laughing and making jokes, you were reminiscing about childhood and life before fame.

Winding down with a warm dinner, you head back to the hotel and get comfortable in bed. In your pajamas, you watch cartoons on basic cable with Jimin. You snuggle against him and he wraps an arm around you.

Strangely, you feel like things are in alignment. As you rest against his warm body, you wish this could be your everyday. Knowing the vacation will come to an end soon, you so badly want to keep this precise moment.

Usually, you would fall asleep like this, but tonight you're restless. When he laughs at the cartoon, you close your eyes and listen to the sound of his voice. When he runs his fingers along your arm, you shiver.

He falls asleep soundlessly, resting his cheek against your head. You shut your eyes and match the rhythm of his breathing until you doze off.

Are you really just friends? Or have you had feelings for him all along?

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