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Two days later, you're back at work and sitting in your beauty chair. Your hair and makeup stylists do their very best to make you look sweet and innocent.

You're dressed in a light pink dress with ruffles from the chest-down, as well as the cap sleeves. You wear white heeled sandals with your toes painted a nude color. Jewelry is kept at a minimum, and you have a single clip of pearls in your curled hair.

You see Jimin across the room wearing a light blue tuxedo. His bow tie isn't yet done, and his hair is gelled back on one side. He's looking like a real daddy.

You aren't able to talk to each other until 5 minutes prior to the interview. You skip to him and hug him tightly, looking into his handsome face.

"I want to kiss you but they'll kill me for ruining our makeups," you say playfully.

Jimin kisses your hair and laughs. "Is that good enough?"

"No," you say. "I'll show you what I want when we get home."

You wink at him and then you're called to the set. You're seated beside Jimin on a loveseat with your ankles crossed and your hands rested on one knee. Jimin is positioned with his feet squared and hands folded in his lap.

You blankly stare at the director as the cameras and lighting are tested. You see one of the monitors and notice how huge your belly looks under the ruffles of the dress. When the interviewer arrives, you greet each other and agree to begin.

Of course, everything is scripted. You remember your lines and execute them flawlessly, never forgetting to smile throughout, no matter how ridiculous the questions are. Jimin, on the other hand, skews from the script a bit, but you don't allow your face to reveal your surprise.

"Please keep Y/N safe," Jimin pleads to the fans. "Please understand our situation and keep her in good condition until delivery."

You nod and add, "Yes, in an effort to be more careful, my shows have been cancelled but I will continue to meet with fans at fansign events. Please wait for me."

At the conclusion of the interview, Jimin is scolded by senior staff for his ad-libs, but Jimin is unmoved. "It needed to be said, and I don't know why it wasn't included in the script after I mentioned it at the last meeting. Y/N's safety is the priority."

The staff explains that Jimin might come across as pushy by saying that, but Jimin stubbornly refutes. "The company isn't doing enough to protect Y/N, so I have to take it into my own hands. You let her fall off a table and risk her health. I could've lost my child and you would have rejoiced at the loss."

Jimin grabs you by the wrist and leads you away, not giving the staff a chance to retort. You feel as though Jimin could have been more respectful, but the way he handled that was sexy.

You head to the parking garage with Jimin and get inside the Porsche. You have a doctor's appointment to attend.

"Don't mind the things staff has to say," Jimin instructs.

You nod and look out the window, enjoying the view of the trees dancing and the sun beaming through the clouds. "What you said was harsh," you quietly mention.

Jimin apologizes and places a hand on your thigh. "I have to be this way to protect you."

At the doctor's office, you head through a back entryway and are shown to a private room where you'll receive an ultrasound examination. The technologist arrives and squirts cold jelly on your stomach.

"Everything looks normal. Do you want to know the gender?" she asks.

You look to Jimin hesitantly. He nods and says, "Tell us now, please."

She moves the probe around your stomach and stops at one specific place. She points to the screen and your eyes follow her movements precisely. "It looks like a turtle shell,'s a boy!"

Jimin exclaims and hugs you tightly while a rush of hormones crash into you, inciting sheets of tears to veil your eyes. You're not sure which emotions you actually feel.

Photos from the exam are printed and handed to you before your departure. On the way home, Jimin can't contain his happiness. He lets out tears of joy and pushes his hair back with a bewildered expression, unable to grasp that this is truly happening.

At his house, he carries you bridal-style to the bedroom and gently lays you on the bed. Taking off your sandals and caressing your legs, he tells you how much he loves you.

You close your eyes and listen to his loving words. He pulls your dress off, but you wrap your arms around your belly, not feeling very attractive with a baby bump in the way.

Jimin lifts your arms above your head and kisses you passionately. "Stay like this until I take my suit off," he instructs.

You do as he says and watch him intently as he takes the pieces off one by one.

When he has no articles left to remove, he climbs atop you, careful not to come in contact with your bump. He penetrates you right away, muttering about how wet you are and how good it feels.

You want him to fuck you hard, but it's probably not the best idea, considering a fetus is being developed in there.

New to the gentle sex scene, you struggle to feel like you're doing anything special. Jimin throws your legs over his shoulders and thrusts into you. His lips part as he nears climax.

"You look so fucking sexy," he says through gritted teeth. Those very crude and simple words work wonders in building your confidence, and you feel yourself nearing climax as well.

He places a hand on your belly and throws his head back. "You look so good carrying my baby."

You let out a cry and orgasm with all the energy you have left. Jimin doesn't pull out when he finishes, and he lays with you, facing you and staring deeply into your eyes.

"I love you," he mouths.

You mouth back, "I love you more."

He blinks for a long second and says the hard part. "They scheduled my flight for tomorrow. I have to get back to the tour as soon as possible."

Knowing he has responsibilities, you nod and genuinely smile. "Finish the tour strong," you encourage.

Suddenly you begin to cry but you're not sure why. Jimin laughs at your confused face. "What's wrong, baby?" he cooes.

"It's just my hormones," you say.

He smirks. "You'll just miss me so much, huh?"

You hit him lightly and sniffle. "The interview airs in a few hours. Should we stay up to watch it?"

Jimin shakes his head and pulls you close. "Let's sleep. We'll have a long morning of filtering through the comment section."

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