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Later that night, you wind down with a soothing aromatherapy bath and clean your home, hoping to feel some sort of comfort from cleanliness.

Instead, you feel unable to focus and very, very worried. By the time Jimin sneaks in, he's surprised to see you awake on the couch, scrolling through your social apps.

"Y/N, you okay?" he asks, dropping his bag beside the couch and hugging you.

"I'm worried," you honestly say.

He doesn't move from the hug or say anything, so you continue. "When they find out we're dating, what if someone follows you here? Then they'll know my address."

"We can get security set up around here," he suggests.

You shake your head. "There's going to be lots of nasty posts and comments online. Security can't solve that issue."

"Ignore it," he says.

You shake out of his hug. "Why didn't paparazzi just leak the photos when they took them? Why all the preparation for the leak?"

Jimin grabs you into a hug again and rests his chin on your shoulder. "Our company has a lot of power. Paparazzi doesn't want to get sued so they inform the company in hopes of getting paid off or making a deal with setting a specific time for reveal."

You stare at the wall, absorbing this information. You've never been caught up in a photo scandal before.

"Trust me," Jimin says.

"About what?"

"Everything. It'll work out."

You stare into his eyes when he pulls back from the hug. "And if it doesn't?"

"We'll still have each other at the end of it all."

"What if we don't?" you ask.

Jimin grips your arms. "What do you mean? You and I will never change. I told you this."

Frightened by his grip, you stare at him with wide eyes. He realizes and loosens his grip, apologizing. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm just frustrated that everyone is making such a big deal of something that feels so normal."

You quietly nod, feeling small from your lack of control of the situation. Jimin removes his coat and ruffles his hair. You turn away and stare at the bright TV screen displaying a variety show.

Jimin turns the TV off and gently turns your face to his. Feeling numb, you just go with the motions. He kisses you and you kiss him back softly, not able to fully indulge in the moment.

He rubs you through your panties but you don't budge. You're too focused on keeping up with the kiss.

He slides one arm under your knees and the other around your back and carries you to the room. He falls onto the bed with you, kissing your neck and caressing your skin with his fingertips.

You feel the sensations but you're not really present. You look at the ceiling and think of what the tabloids will say about you. The candid pictures they'll take. The rumors and assumptions.

Jimin travels to your core and pushes your panties aside, licking and sucking like a child with candy. You let out small moans, trying to immerse yourself in your role.

Jimin abruptly stops foreplay and sits you up, licking his lips and peering into your eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?"

You shake your head nonchalantly. "Nothing."

He shakes his head with fervor. "You're afraid things will change from outside forces but you're the one changing from the inside."

You stare into his brown eyes. They're simple eyes, but they're deep and soft, like a puppy's. These are the eyes of a genuine, honest person.

"Y/N, what can I do?"

You look away, unsure what to say. There's nothing you want to ask of him. There's nothing he can do.

He strips his shirt and pants and lays on his side of the bed in his underwear. Still frozen in place, you look to your vanity and see yourself in the mirror. Staring at your reflection, you feel sad. You don't want to be a worry bug, but for some strange reason you can't fight the feeling.

Tears fall down your cheeks but you don't make a noise. You look at your crying face and hold your pain in your chest. Getting up with the intention to wash your face, Jimin grabs your arm and stops you. "Why are you crying?"

He wipes your tears and hugs you. His chest is warm. You close your eyes and rest your cheek against him, the salty tears leaving your face cold and sticky.

In his embrace, you feel safe. You run your fingers along his back, feeling his shape, loving him the way he is.

He walks with you to the bathroom and cleanses your face with a warm, wet towel. You sit on the counter and let him care for you.

You gain the courage to speak, "I feel numb."

He continues washing your face and squeezes the towel in the sink. "Why?"

"I don't know," you say almost inaudibly.

Jimin drops the towel in the sink and cups your face, kissing your nose so gently you barely feel it.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you more," you whisper back.

Resting his forehead on yours, he strokes your cleansed cheek and sighs. "I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. Just tell me when you're ready," he says.

You nod and close your eyes, feeling incredibly sleepy. The exhaustion has caught up with you. He carries you bridal-style to the bed and cuddles you. He doesn't say anything. He just traces circles on your back. Your chest is still heavy, and you feel distant from him although he's in the same bed.

With weighted eyelids, you murmur, "I'm getting tired of idol life."

Jimin pauses his fingers on your back and then resumes at a steady pace. "I feel that way sometimes."

You nuzzle into the crook of his armpit. "I just don't feel like explaining every little thing to everyone. Can I have just one thing for myself?"

Jimin squeezes you and kisses the top of your head. "We do have this for ourselves. I promise you, nothing will change."

You cling to him, believing his prophesy. "I trust you."

He shakes you up a bit. "I have work in a few hours so let's get some sleep."

Laying with him like this, you feel your uneasiness leaving you. You watch Jimin's chest rise and fall as he lightly snores. You love this. The intimacy in the ordinary. The simple things that grab and hold your attention for no obvious reasons.

Lost in the melody of his deep, even breaths, you join him in sleep and dream of little nothings until his alarm sounds 5 hours later.

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