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Day 5 begins on a whim.

Not having anything planned, you walk the streets just as you did yesterday, spotting a pet store not far from the hotel. You skip to the window and see the puppies and kittens roaming their cages, waiting for someone to love them.

You enter the store, wanting to play with the little friends for a short while to keep their hopes up. Jimin joins with no fuss and picks up a kitten right away, rubbing noses with it and calling it pretty.

While scratching a puppy to sleep, you glance over to Jimin. "Hey, why don't we go hiking today?"

Jimin sets the kitten down and looks to you questioningly. "Why would I want to do that? This is a vacation, isn't it?"

You shoot him a goofy look, finding his opposition to be adorable. "The scenery will be awesome. You like things like that. Pretty."

He thinks for a moment, stroking the kitten's paw as it teethes on one of his fingers, and finally nods. "I'll be taking my time. Don't expect us to get far," he warns.

You can live with that. You excitedly nod and give the puppy one last rub before heading back to the hotel to prepare for the sudden hiking trip.

You don't have hiking shoes so you just wear your sneakers, leggings, and a thin sweater, hoping the heat of the activity will be enough to help against the cold air of the mountains. After some nonsense natter, you head to Gyejoksan together with a backpack full of water and snacks.

Beginning the trail, things kick off smoothly. However, after a steep incline, you feel your stamina shortening. Jimin continues to skip steps as he ascends, moving at a much quicker pace.

"What happened to taking it slow?" you call up to him agitatedly.

He pivots his head and smirks. "I thought you'd be much faster."

You struggle to climb a series of rocks when Jimin comes down and extends his hand. You keenly reach for him and allow him to pull you up.

As you continue on a flatter trail, Jimin wears the backpack on his chest and stops you. "Hop on my back."

You decline and shyly shake your head. "That's too much."

He squats before you relentlessly. "I'll carry you. Come on."

Knowing he won't back down, you obediently climb onto his back and wrap your fatigued limbs around his solid figure. You smell his peachy shampoo and rest your chin on his muscular shoulder, finally having a chance to soak in the striking view rather than focusing on your agility.

In nearly no time, you've reached the summit while lackadaisically swinging your feet as you ride on Jimin's sturdy back. "Wahhhh," he exclaims at the grand sight. Just the reaction you expected from him.

You hop off his back and stand beside him, accidentally brushing your knuckles against his. He grabs your hand and blithely swings it. You feel yourself blushing but unsure why.

He's absolutely enthralled by the picturesque scenery, thanking you for suggesting the climb. Otherwise, you'd never be able to share this sort of experience together.

The descent from the summit goes smoothly as gravity does much of the work beside proper footing. On the way down, you suggest Jimin come up with the nighttime schedule since you've chosen the activities of the former half of the day.

As if he's been waiting for this question, Jimin answers without missing a beat. "Let's have a drink."

You get to the hotel by a cab and each take your turn showering and changing into more casual clothing.

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