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You wake up in a better mood than when you fell asleep. Per usual, your hormones have subsided overnight.

After throwing out heaps of ideas, trying to figure out how to spend the day, you spontaneously decide you want to go horseback riding. Jimin doesn't protest, and he finds a location with high ratings that you'll love.

At the ranch, you each make friends with a horse and take them out for a ride. Jimin's gentle hands pet the horse's mane with tender care. He whispers to it and smiles to himself, making you wonder what the secret is. Are you jealous of a horse?

You take your own friend out to the field, feeling its strong muscles under its luscious brown coat. Giving the horse an encouraging pat, you climb into the saddle and begin a slow ride.

Jimin goofily rides his horse around the ranch but still manages to handle it expertly, putting on a show for you to enjoy as you feel the freedom of your first rodeo.

When you're all worn out, you say goodbye to your animal friends and head back to the city where you end up visiting a bar and ordering drinks.

"Don't forget you lost the bet," Jimin reminds you.

You roll your eyes and pay for the round. "Don't forget I only tapped out because you would've went past your limit."

Jimin laughs and takes down his shot. "I'm a pro, baby."

You freeze at the last word but shrug it off. He only meant it as an expression. It means nothing.

As you buy more rounds, you start to feel the alcohol working its magic. Becoming loose, you wrap your arms around Jimin's neck, hanging there and giggling after he tells a joke you didn't quite hear. He encircles his arms around your waist and pulls you in closer.

He laughs with his eyes closed, clearly amused with himself. Meanwhile, his hot hands burn on your backside, making you feel awkwardly stuffy in your clothing.

In the spur of the moment, you close your eyes and tiptoe to reach his face. Going for it, you kiss his pretty lips one good time. A moment later, you don't feel him returning the kiss, so you abruptly pull away and wipe your mouth on your sleeve.

"I'm sorry. I misread the situation," you apologize.

Jimin doesn't say anything but orders another round with a smirk on his face.

Still feeling sorry, you say, "Forget that happened."

He nods his head before taking another shot. "Maybe it's time to go," he says.

You agree and wait for him to call a cab. On the curb, his hair dreamily moves around his head as the wind blows, and he reaches out a hand to hail a cab like the lead of a cliché K-drama.

When the cab comes, Jimin holds you in his arms and kisses your forehead. "Don't be sorry," he says, releasing you to open the door for you to enter first. His verbal response is a bit delayed, but it does console you.

When you arrive at the hotel, you head to the bathroom to shower. Under the warm water, you run your hands along the curves of your body until your fingers hesitantly pause at your core.

Without your vibrator, you're unsure how you're going to get off tonight. You grab the removable shower head from its holder and spray the stream directly onto your vagina. Feeling some sensations, you slide down the wall and increase the water pressure.

Fingering yourself with your free hand, you moan, but it's not enough. You're terribly horny and have nothing to bring you to climax. Despite the struggle, you continue attempting to reach it.

An excruciating time passes when there's a knock on the door to break your intense focus. "Y/N?"

You control your breathy panting and frustratedly respond, "Yes?"

"You okay? You're taking longer than usual," he says.

Shutting off the shower water which was beginning to run cold, you stand and smooth your hair back, taking a deep breath. "No," you say.

You get ready to risk it all.

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