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The twelfth day begins late in the afternoon.

You wake up on Jimin's chest and see his phone in his hand. He scrolls through Twitter and reads fans' messages.

Yawning and stretching, you sit up and face him. He chuckles and cups your cheek. "Your face is puffy."

You pout and cover your face with the blanket. "A hot shower will probably help," you say, proceeding to hop out of bed and into the shower. You scrub at your skin, wanting to rid yourself of the strange goosebumps that now rise every time Jimin touches you.

When you reenter the room, Jimin is surrounded by the fluffy blanket like a small child in a cloud. He abandons his comfort to take his turn in the bathroom, giving you privacy to dress in the bedroom.

Feeling refreshed, you both sit at the foot of the bed and discuss what to do today. You have many ideas, but Jimin says he would just like to be lazy with you for the day.

"Should I put my pajamas back on?" you ask sarcastically. Since you forgot to pack sleeping clothes, your pajamas have consisted of Jimin's spare shirts and sometimes a spare pair of boxers. Otherwise, you don't even bother with the boxers and just sleep in your panties.

Jimin smiles with his eyes and shrugs. "Whatever makes you comfortable."

Changing back into your sleepwear, you join him in the main room where he flips through channels on the TV. You sit pretzel-legged beside him on the sofa.

He opens his arms to you while focused on tapping buttons on the remote. You scoot to him and mold into his side. He rests his arm around your shoulders, saying, "Nothing good on TV. I could hook up the Switch so we can play games."

You nod, up for anything. He gets up to connect the console and you watch adoringly as he prepares the system.

Hours pass without either of you noticing. You eat a bowl of ramen between games and, at one point, laughed so hard you could barely breathe.

When you win a game against him, he playfully accuses you of cheating. You deny it and he tries to grab you but you jump away. He chases you for only a second before grabbing you by the waist so that you fall into his lap.

Giggling, you crawl off him, heaving from the laughter and excitement. Your eyes lock, and it feels like a language is spoken between your gazes.

You feel the undeniable sexual tension building between you two like a hot air balloon ready to takeoff. You risk it and cup his face, stroking his sweet cheeks as you firmly press your lips against his.

He kisses you back, then his hands find your waist and rest on them perfectly.

Gaining confidence, you kiss him rhythmically and climb onto his lap, straddling him. He wiggles a bit, probably to adjust his boner against his pants. You reach down to check, and surely he's hard as a rock.

Absolutely thrilled, you stroke his throbbing bulge and moan into his mouth, putting extra effort into grinding against him.

He bites his lip to stifle his groans but you kiss on his neck, causing him to sigh in bliss.

You want him to initiate sex, to prove it wasn't just a one night stand, so you tease him with rubs, grinds, and kisses until he gives in.

He pulls your sweater over your head and kisses your chest, tracing shapes with his tongue over your skin. You're not wearing a bra, offering full access to your breasts. Taking full advantage of the opportunity, he sucks your nipples until they're hard and sensitive.

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