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Jimin's mother visits when you enter your eighth month. She brings with her baby clothes and numerous helpful items that you'll need when the baby arrives.

You don't have a guest room and you offer your bed to her, but she says she'll stay at Jimin's dorm during the nights.

She cooks for you, cares for you, and keeps your spirits up. Noticing your depressive mood, she tells you funny and endearing stories of Jimin's childhood. You hope to give his child a life just as nice.

As you're enjoying dinner with his mom one night, you see your social apps blowing up with news of BTS. You scroll through and are taken aback by the video that has gone viral.

Jimin stands on stage with tears in his eyes. He explains the situation of your pregnancy coming to term and his wishes to return home.

Fans ooo and aww at his speech and encourage him to leave the encore and be with you. You inform his mom and see her face light up.

"My boy knows what the right thing to do is. He's always been so intelligent and honest."

You smile at her and thank her for raising him so well.

"We'll have to see if the company will allow it, though," you say.

His mother laughs. "Of course they'll allow it. Who can say no to my son?"


You work alongside Jimin's mother in the kitchen although she insists you lay down and put your feet up.

"Eomma, I want to help," you say cutely.

Defeated, she hands you a bowl of vegetables. "Chop these. Please be mindful not to cut your fingers."

You happily accept the task and chop quickly, trying to keep up with her experienced pace.

After about an hour, multiple dishes are prepared and ready to eat. You set the table, but you wait to dig in. Jimin should be home any time now.

As you fold the baby clothing that has been gifted to you from other idols and distant family members, you hear your padlock beeping.

Dropping the onesie from your hands, you run to the foyer. Jimin barely steps over the threshold when you jump onto him, kissing his cheeks. He laughs and hugs you back, breathing in your scent from your neck, tickling you into a giggling fit.

His mother stands on the side with her arms crossed and shaking her head, but she has a huge smile plastered on.

"Jimin-ah, my son, you'll be having your own son soon. Rest today, and then moving forward you will prepare your child's nursery and help Y/N."

Jimin releases you to bow and then embrace his mother. He holds her for a long time, rocking back and forth.

"Eomma, I hope to be half as good as you and father. I will do my best," Jimin promises.

After the tear-jerking reunion, you dig into the meal comprised of Jimin's favorite foods. He eats deliciously, and you watch him with gratitude.

That night, you lay with Jimin in bed and feel a newfound peace wash over you. You're not alone anymore. The baby kicks while his hand rests on your belly. Jimin startles and sits up. "Was that a kick?"

You chuckle. "Yes. It feels weird when he kicks. I guess he's happy to see his father."

Jimin marvels at this and rubs your belly, trying to facilitate another kick. You roll over to face him. "I was starting to feel like I couldn't go on any longer without you here," you admit.

Jimin moves his hands from your belly to your face. "Don't ever say that. You're just as strong on your own. You've come this far."

You nod, but tears slip from your eyes and fall to the pillow, creating a cool pool.

Jimin traces the angles of your face. First your cheekbone, then your jaw, and the bridge of your nose. "What's the matter?" he asks.

You inhale deeply. "My body hurts. It's hard to stand for long periods of time, but I hate laying down all day. My ankles are so swollen I can barely feel them anymore. I'm always hungry, but I easily feel sick after having a meal. The beauties of pregnancy felt wicked to me as I dealt with it all alone."

Jimin scoops you into his arms and holds you tightly. "I knew I should've requested to leave the tour sooner. I knew you were suffering on your own but I had no idea of the details."

You cry softly into his chest. "You have to work. You have to consider your group. It's not just about you," you say.

Jimin nods, knowing that is correct. But he still feels strongly about accompanying you throughout your first pregnancy.

"Oh, and I've been so horny but just not sure how to use my toys with this bump in the way," you complain.

Jimin smiles and gets up from under you. Without a word, he spreads your legs and begins licking and sucking on your pussy. His strong hands hold your knees apart while you writhe and shake in pleasure. He retracts one hand and uses it to finger you. You take your freed leg and wrap it around his shoulders.

As you reach orgasm, you thank God for sending Jimin into your life. You scream as you cum all over Jimin's hand. He laps it up without a second thought and strips his underwear.

"What positions are you okay with?" he asks.

You shrug. "I haven't had sex with a baby bump this big before," you say. You both laugh and fumble in the sheets as you try to find a position that works for both of you.

You find that the spooning position causes the least stress on your belly, and Jimin goes to town on you, cumming in a matter of minutes.

Shocked, you turn around to look at him. "That was fast."

He wipes his forehead. "You've never been this wet before," he gasps for air.

You pull his arm around you and prepare for sleep. "Mhmm," you hum. "They say pregnancy sex is some of the best you'll ever have."

"What have I been missing out on all this time," he wonders.

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