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"Ohhhhh, yes, daddy," Namjoon imitates. "That's the spot!"

"You can't go one night without getting your dick wet?" Taehyung asks.

"If it wasn't for the moaning, I would've thought there was a fight going on from all the smacking sounds," Jungkook observes.

"I slept fine," Yoongi monotonously adds.

"You always sleep fine," Jimin says. "And, for everyone else, you wanted us to sleep here so this is what you get."

You overhear the conversation that's occurring in the dining room from Jimin's bed. You sit up and listen intently.

Jimin continues, "I love her. When I'm inside her, we're literally connected. That feeling is addictive when it's with the right person."

You hear a mixture of gags and "awww's" as the bedroom door opens and you see Jimin.

"Oh, you're up?" he asks.

Startled, you lay back down and pull the blanket over yourself. "Not really. I didn't hear anything."

He chuckles and sits beside you, placing a hand on your back. "I have to start my schedule soon. You can stay here if you like."

You shake your head. "I should leave soon, too. I have a show today."

Jimin kisses your cheeks and wishes you good luck. "I'll see you tonight. Love you." He leaves and closes the door behind him.

When you hear everyone shuffle out the door, taking the noise with them, you get up and start your morning. After putting on clothes, you can't help but snoop through Jimin's drawers to see how he organizes things.

You've been dating for some time now, and it feels strange you aren't acquainted with his place. He already has a section in your closet.

You push bundles of socks around the top drawer and find Polaroids hidden at the bottom. Picking them up, you see Jimin with another woman. They look happy together.

You flip through the photos and see Jimin grow with her through the years. He sports many hair colors and styles. They must have known each other for a long time.

One of the photos looks recent. He has black hair and is wearing that oversized jacket he wore to the station during your vacation. In the photo, they're kissing on the lips.

Feeling confused and upset, your face flushes and you replace the photos exactly how you found them. Trying to decide if you should bring this up to Jimin, you quickly gather your things and call Dongwoo.

In the car, you bite the inside of your cheek and look out the window. For the first time ever, Dongwoo speaks first, "Y/N, are you okay?"

You turn to him and purse your lips. "I don't know if I should say anything."

"Only say what you need," Dongwoo advises. "I only asked because you seem sad."

You nod and take some time to think. "I saw a photo of him kissing another woman. There were other Polaroids, too, that look like they were taken over a span of a few years. I want to ask him about it but I shouldn't have been snooping."

Dongwoo hums in wonder. "Maybe they're in the drawer for a reason. It's something from his past."

"But who is she?" you ask rhetorically. "I should know the women from his past."

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