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Your eyelids flutter but you can't seem to see anything in particular. The lights are so bright that you struggle to keep your eyes open for longer than a second.

Giving it a few minutes, you open your eyes again, this time to clearly see someone sitting in an armchair not far from your bed.

"Jimin," you whisper.

He lifts his head and looks at you with a concerned face.

"Don't move," you say. You notice the rag hanging off his shoulder and the opened diaper bag on the table beside him. The baby he cradles is cocooned in a light blue blanket with a striped hat on its head.

"Y/N," his voice cracks. "You scared me so much." His eyes water, and he sniffles to suppress the tears. "You passed out after the delivery. That was almost 2 days ago."

You look around the hospital room and thank the heavens for returning you to this life. You're not sure where your mind went for the past two days, but you're overly grateful to be conscious now.

"Hand me my baby," you say.

Jimin walks to you and carefully lays the boy in your arms. You immediately sob and kiss your son's chubby cheeks. His little face squirms away and yawns.

You look at Jimin and laugh wholeheartedly. He smiles at you with tears streaming down his face.

The nurse comes in and examines you, informing you of what's happened since your delivery in addition to the results of your son's examination.

You're put on bed rest as a result of losing a large volume of blood but you're expected to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow as long as everything remains normal.

You thank the nurse and chat with Jimin about random nothings until the baby wakes and cries for food. You attempt to breastfeed the child, and a specialist comes to assist you in the feeding.

Parenthood happens so quickly. You learn to change diapers, breastfeed, pump your breasts, swaddle the baby, and apply ointment to the diaper area.

Jimin soaks in this information as well so that he can actively assist you in the daily duties. When you're alone in the nighttime hours, he lays with you in your bed.

"Why don't you get some food," you ask.

He shakes his head. "Hospital food is fine."

"Mmm," you say. "I'm craving gimbab."

He laughs and rolls onto his back. "So you're not really worried about me. You want restaurant food for yourself," he deduces.

Guilty, you giggle and nod. "I just brought a life into this world. I think I deserve a fresh roll of gimbab."

Jimin nods and leaves the room to pick up the food. In your solitude, you check your social apps and see that the company has already released a statement about your child's birth.

Your managers congratulate you but you ignore it and put your phone away. By this time, Jimin returns with a paper bag and empties the contents on your bedside tray.

He showcases various flavors of gimbab and a vitamin water. Your mouth waters as you randomly select a roll and unwrap it, stuffing your face.

Jimin perks up as he watches you eat. You insist he take a bite but he says it's all for you.

Throughout the night, you doze off for only a short time and awaken repeatedly. Once the sun peaks over the horizon, you shake Jimin.

"We're going home today," you whisper.

He opens one eye and nods. "Mmm."

He closes his eyes again and rubs his face against the pillow.

"Jimin," you bother him. "Talk to me."

He reluctantly sits up and rocks side to side with his eyes closed. He forces himself to stay awake because you asked him to.

As he becomes more awake, you discuss your future together, and the future of your child. Jimin brings up valid points about the poor treatment of the company towards you and the burden of motherhood.

After a long conversation, you finally decide to say goodbye to stardom and part ways with the company. Jimin promises to stand behind you through it all, no matter how ugly it gets.

When the doctor officially discharges you, you retrieve your newborn from the nursery and head home with Jimin.

You walk with a weight lifted from your shoulders. You feel empowered and excited to begin this journey with your small family.

As Jimin focuses on the road, you turn your head to look at him. Your baby cooes in the backseat while the radio plays softly.

This is what euphoria really feels like. This is the ultimate satisfaction.

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