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Your everyday has become picture mail with Jimin by day, and lovemaking by night. You don't mind it at all. Being the person for someone to come home to feels good. To be that person for Jimin feels honorable.

At the company building, you walk towards the BTS members. You prepare to bow, but they take turns to greet you with hugs.

"Y/N!" Taehyung exclaims.

"How are you?" Namjoon asks.

"I hope you're taking care of Jimin," Jin says.

Yoongi says nothing but he hugs you warmly.

"Of course, I'll do my best to take care of him," you promise.

"We miss seeing him at home," Jungkook says. "Why don't you spend the night at our dorm once?"

You consider this and shrug. "I'm game. It's just that your schedules end so much later than mine. I'm usually already sleeping when Jimin comes in."

"Our schedules end at 9pm tonight. Come over tonight," Taehyung shows all his teeth in a boxy smile.

You nervously giggle. "Shouldn't I ask Jimin first?"

Jin shakes his head. "That naughty boy hasn't been home in weeks now. One night won't kill him."

You nod and agree to pack a bag and spend the night at their house. After leaving the group, you text Jimin.

"Your brothers want me to spend the night at your dorm. I'm fine with that, but are you?"

He responds fairly quickly.

"That's fine. You just won't be able to moan loudly."

Blushing, you grin and put your phone away. The rest of your schedule is easy. You'll knock out your agenda and head home to pack a bag. You go live on Vlive for an hour and complete your vocal training.

You pack modestly. A two-piece pajama set, socks and underwear, and a plain outfit for the next day. Throwing in some skincare items and your toothbrush, you put the bag beside the door.

You pass the time by blending a smoothie and reading the rest of your book. As 9 pm approaches, you call Jimin.

"When should I head over?" you ask.

"Leave in half an hour. We're getting into our cars now."

You arrange a ride with Dongwoo and check yourself in the mirror one last time. You apply tinted lip balm and leave the house.

When you arrive at BTS' dorm, you text Jimin that you're here. He meets you at the door and connects his lips with yours. "Everyone's excited that you're here."

You smile and greet the group. Jin is opening containers from takeout they ordered and urges you to join them at the table. You oblige and eat well.

After the late dinner, you wash up and change into your pajamas. Stepping into the bedroom, Jimin takes one look at you and stifles a laugh.

"What?" you ask, sporting your unrevealing outfit.

He expressively laughs and points to you. "What is this? You've never worn something like that before. You're cute as hell but it doesn't seem like your style."

You smile and toss your towel at him. "You don't want your brothers seeing all my goodies, do you?" You wink at him.

"Those pants are not gonna make it easy to penetrate you," he observes.

You make a shocked expression and run to him, hiding your face in his shoulder. "Jimin! We can't do that. Hobi sleeps right next to you."

Jimin hugs you and throws you down on the bed, climbing on top of you. "That's why I said you have to be quiet," he smirks.

You push him off and crawl under the covers. "That's so wrong!" you disagree.

Jimin turns off the lights and crawls in beside you, spooning you and nuzzling your neck. He doesn't make a move for a while, so you assume he's fallen asleep.

Hobi walks in and gets ready for bed, slapping on facial cream before noisily laying down. In mere minutes, you hear soft snoring from that side of the room.

Jimin tightens his grip around your waist and presses his erection against your ass. "You ready, baby?" he whispers darkly.

Before you can respond, he pulls your pants down from behind and grips your ass. You reach your arm back and hold his waist to halt him, but he moves his fingers to your clit, rubbing gently at first, then increasingly harder. Your body weakens and you submit to the pleasure.

He kisses your ear and moves his fingers to your vagina, slipping in one finger, then two. You breathe deeply through your nose and bite your lip, doing your best not to moan.

Once you're dripping wet and very much horny, he penetrates you without a problem. He slides into you and slowly pumps himself in and out. The splashing sounds of your waters are difficult to ignore.

He does a deep stroke and you shriek in surprise. He covers your mouth with his hand and nibbles your ear, whispering, "Quiet, baby girl."

You even your breaths and grind on him, trying to gain leverage and control. You bounce your ass against him, clenching on his dick for added sensation. He removes his hand from your mouth and lowers it to your neck.

Your mind wanders as you feel the pleasure coursing through your body, exploding in your chest and warming your stomach. You accidentally let out a little moan as you reach climax. "Ahh, daddy."

"Aigoo, two lovebirds can't keep it down," Hobi complains. Your jaw drops and you grip Jimin's wrist.

"Sorry, hyung," Jimin quickly apologizes and laughs. You tighten your grip on his wrist, embarrassed.

"I'm gonna drink some water. Let me know when you're done," Hobi says, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Jimin!" You break away from and turn to face him. "That was so embarrassing."

Jimin gets on top of you and kisses you fiercely. "We don't have much time," he says, removing your pants and slipping into you again. You suck in a breath and forget what you were saying.

His thrusts are powerful now, and he smacks his pelvis into yours, causing you to moan louder than you intended.

"You're so loud," he grunts. "I love it."

"Ugh, fuck me. Yes, just like that," you moan. He fucks you fast and hard, bringing you to your second climax of the night. "Oh, God, ohhhhh," your words fall off as you lose your breath and tighten your abs, saving the moment for as long as you can.

"You want to sleep with it in?" he asks. You nod and pull him down to a kiss. Returning to the original spooning position, he penetrates from behind and cuddles you. You love sleeping with him still inside you. Something about that stuffed feeling is so tantalizingly euphoric.

"Hobi-hyung!" Jimin calls childishly.

Hobi enters with a bottle of water. "I'm sure everyone heard what just happened. They're gonna give you hell in the morning," Hobi laughs.

"It was worth it," Jimin responds sleepily, the rasp in his voice giving it away.

You're worn out, too. After two intense climaxes, your energy is depleted. You gently rock on his dick and slip out of reality.

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