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Over the next few weeks, every time you came in contact with Jimin, it resulted in a quickie in any convenient location.

You've had sex on the table of one of the meeting rooms, in the private restroom, and in the lounge. Today, you've ended up in the utility closet.

Jimin hikes up your dress and feels for your panties, except you're not wearing any today. You bend over and hold onto a shelf for support. He enters you from behind and delivers fast but short strokes.

You bump into the shelf from his forceful thrusts, causing some clanging noises and rolls of paper towels to shower you. You ignore it all, as the only significant thing in that moment is the whimsical feeling he sends through your body.

You start to moan as you reach climax. "Ugh, Jimin..."

He moves your hair to the side and sucks on the back of your neck, silencing you with overwhelming pleasure. He holds your breasts, massaging them as his strokes become more sloppy and speedy.

Afterwards, you neatly place the paper towels back on the shelf but rip off a piece to clean yourself. Jimin gives you a long kiss before leaving the closet first. You lean against the wall with your eyes closed.

You've gotten so used to the quickies that there's barely dialogue between you anymore, before and after. It feels undeniably great to get fucked by Park Jimin on the daily, but you can't help also feeling used and discarded.

Getting yourself together, you exit the closet and dispose of the paper towel soaked in cum. As you walk to your studio, you feel more of his liquids making their way out with the help of gravity. The warmth drips down your legs, making your thighs slip against each other.

When you get to your studio, you plop into your padded swivel chair and slouch. Is it time to have a serious conversation with Jimin? In theory, the friends with benefits thing wasn't a bad idea. But now you realize it's not what you want.

You send a text to Jimin asking him to meet you in your studio after his schedule. He responds positively but warns you it'll be another few hours. You say that's okay, and you wait for him, thinking of all the things you want to say.

If you come on too strong, it could permanently change things between you.

Time passes quickly as you anxiously await his arrival and obsess over the possible outcomes. Eventually, you hear a knock at your door and recognize a familiar shadow.

You open the door to see Jimin in his gorgeous confidence. His hands are in his pockets and he looks at you through his bangs. Then he wraps his arms around you and steps into the studio, closing the door behind him. "Y/N. How are you?"

You sit with him on the sofa. "Actually, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I feel bothered by this one thing."

He nods and licks his lips like a kitten as he looks around the room. "What's bothering you?"

You clear your throat and take ahold of one of his hands. "I've been feeling kind of unappreciated," you start.

He immediately apologizes, "I'm so sorry." He turns his whole body to you and cups your face. "This is why I kept apologizing, because I didn't want you to feel this way."

You place your hands over his. "Jimin, I don't want your apology. I just don't want to feel like an object."

His eyes have this shine to them. Like a spark of interest, or a tell of thoughtfulness. He says, "How can we fix that?"

You take a deep breath, reluctant to outright expose your feelings. "I think our friendship isn't working," you generally state. He seems confused but doesn't falter. His hands move down to your shoulders.

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