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After several days, you've finalized your comeback schedule with Bang-PD and reserved time slots for recording and practicing in the dance studio. You've contacted your trainer to organize a realistic workout routine that works around your not-so-hectic schedule.

With all your errands and tasks completed, that empty feeling creeps up on you again. You lay on the sofa, curled into a ball, and wonder what Jimin is up to.

Reaching for your phone, you dial his number. After an annoyingly long string of automated rings, he answers the FaceTime call.


He looks beautiful with hair and makeup done. His lips are red and wet-looking. His usual messy hair has been gelled and styled to show his forehead. The grey contact lenses make his eyes look even more interesting and intense.

"Jiminie, I think I miss you."

He laughs, shaking the camera. "I've been thinking about you, too. It feels weird that you're not around to nag me."

You laugh and suck your teeth. "I could nag you if you want. Can we meet up?"

He looks down, thinking. "Oh... Our schedule is so full, I'm not sure I'll be able to break away."

"We could meet after your schedule," you offer.

He lightly shakes his head. "We have a shoot at 4 AM tomorrow. There's just not enough time in between."

Your face falls and you want to keep making suggestions, but you know BTS' schedule is always so hectic. There's no way around it. "Okay. Take care of yourself," you say.

He smiles and waves. "You, too, Y/N."

Putting the phone down, you stare off into space, wondering how to sustain a friendship that feels so much like home yet so long-distance.

Lacking any other true friends who understand your lifestyle as an idol, you spend the rest of your vacation alone at home. You occasionally wander out in disguise and ride your bike through the parks just to get fresh oxygen in your lungs. Everything seems meaningless after feeling the freedom you experienced with Jimin.

For the first time ever, you can't wait for your vacation to be over so that you can get back to work and minimize the time with your own thoughts. When life goes back to normal, you'll probably revert to your old ways and feel content in your loneliness again. The rush of work will save you.

You just wonder what it'll be like the next time you run into Jimin at the company building.

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