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Two hours into your sleep, Jimin's phone sounds an alarm for him to wake up. He groans and snoozes it. Too tired to inquire, you let yourself go back to sleep. Then his ringtone goes off, and he quickly silences that as well.

Now your phone chimes, and you get up to check.

"Taehyungie, why do you call at this ungodly hour?"

He says, "Jimin is always last to get up. Can you make sure he makes it out in half an hour?"

"Mmm," you agree. "How did you know he was here?"

"He told us everything last night before he left to see you. Welcome to the family," he chuckles and hangs up.

You roll over to Jimin's side and kiss his neck. His eyes flutter open and a smile smears across his face. "Get up, sleepy bear," you whisper.

He stretches and whines, "I just can't get any rest nowadays. That was the first deep sleep I've had since we started our schedules back up."

You trace the lines of his toned abs. "Sleep with me from now on. I'll keep you on track."

He turns on his side, half his face sunken into the pillow. He cups your cheek. "I'll give it a try."

"That's all I ask," you whisper.

You shower with him, leaning against his chest for most of the time. After shampooing and scrubbing your bodies, you step out and sit on the counter while he brushes his teeth then blowdries his hair.

"What's your schedule today?" you ask.

"Recording, interview, meeting, Vlive, and dance practice."

You nod, mindlessly swinging your feet. "I just have vocal training and dance practice."

He unplugs the blowdryer and places himself between your legs. "I wish I could take you in my pocket," he says, kissing you and running his hands along your thighs.

You feel yourself pulsating and getting hot, but he pulls away before you can rip your towels off. He strokes your chin and walks into the bedroom to dress.

You follow behind him and lay in bed with wet hair. He can't take his eyes off you. "You're tempting me to stay."

You wink and cover yourself with the blanket. "Get out before your members bombard my home and drag you out."

He chuckles and fastens his belt. "I look forward to seeing you tonight, and every night after that."

You tell him the passcode to your door so he can let himself in, and you kiss him before he goes.

Falling back into your pillows, you sleep for several hours before waking to begin your own schedule.


Throughout the day, you receive a variety of selfies from Jimin and smile when you see his adorable face. This man is yours. These selfies are for your eyes only. You have something that others can only wish for.

You finish your schedule in a matter of hours and head home alone but not feeling lonely. In the car, you eagerly converse with Dongwoo. "So, we're dating. I don't know if it's going to work in the long run, but I feel good about it."

He congratulates you, and you tell him the details of last night even though he didn't ask. He listens and nods until you pull into your driveway.

"He's a good man," Dongwoo says before leaving.

You spend the evening reading a book and meditating, accidentally falling asleep with the lights on and the book laid open on your chest.

You stir when you hear the light switch click and the room goes dark. You try to sit up, but a pair of hands swiftly move the book to the side and caress your face, comforting you back to relaxation.

"Jimin," the name escapes your lips.

He kisses your neck and licks your collarbone. You moan quietly and wrap your legs around him.

"I missed you," he breathes onto your chest, tickling you.

"I missed you more, baby," you say.

"I love you."

You wrap your arms around him and dig your nails into his back. Those words send you. "I love you, too," you moan.

He continues to kiss and nibble your body, careful not to leave any marks or hickeys.

You bring his face to yours and kiss him needily. He pulls up your silk nightdress and slips his fingers into your overflowing waters. You moan and giggle into his mouth as your tongues tango.

He travels to your lower half and dances his tongue on your other set of lips. Gradually getting more intense, you start to moan aloud and call his name. He sucks your clit one last time before stripping his clothes and showing his solid growth.

"Yes," you exhale. Spreading your legs, you pull your dress off and fondle your breasts, waiting for him to enter.

He dips the tip in and out, giving you a preview of what's to come. Inch by inch, he finally inserts his full length and sends you into a moaning mess.

You grab at him, grip the sheets around you, and give him sweet love bites, kisses, and nibbles. You inhale his heavenly scent. That peachy shampoo you've grown to love.

His attention to detail is insane. He hits all your favorite spots and knows exactly what to do to make your legs tremble with excitement. He glides his hands over the goosebumps along your skin. You shiver uncontrollably and cry out, "I'm going to cum!"

Instead of teasing you, he works harder, escalating your responses until you hold your breath completely and wildly orgasm.

When the moment passes, you exhale loudly and gasp for air like a fish out of water. "Oh, my God!"

He kisses you and rolls over with you in his arms. You lay atop his chest, still catching your breath. Your body feels invincible. A trauma could happen and you would survive.

He smooths your hair and kisses your forehead. You moan, "Mmm..."

He chuckles. "You okay?"

"Mmm," you say again.

He shakes you up and laughs. "Don't die on me."

You lift your head and pierce him with your eyes. "That was so fucking good. You took my soul," you say in all seriousness.

He pulls you back to his chest and hugs you tightly. "Let's sleep right away. I have to be up in four hours."

You nod and sleep with no problem.

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