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You wake the next morning alone. Jimin must've slipped out silently. You didn't even hear his alarm go off.

You sit up and feel his warm liquids begin their exit from your body. Remembering last night, you smile to yourself and head into the bathroom to wash up.

At the end of your morning routine, you call Dongwoo and arrange your ride to work. When he arrives, you begin chatting. "You must be wondering why I didn't call for you last night. Jimin gave me a ride. I didn't know he drove his own car."

Dongwoo nods silently but you can tell he's interested by the elevation of his eyebrows in the rearview mirror. "He looked so sexy driving the Porsche. But doesn't that kind of car draw attention? Luckily, no one followed us home."

When you enter the BigHit building, you head straight to your studio. You're a few minutes earlier than usual, but that's okay. It'll give you some time to prepare before meeting with the producers today.

When you unlock your door, you see a blank envelope on the floor. You pick it up and open it to see the contents. Shocked, your eyes widen and your jaw drops.

The envelope and its contents fall out of your hands as you reach for your cell phone in your bag. You toss your wallet and lip gloss out, searching for the damned device.

Finally getting ahold of it, you call Jimin but get sent to voicemail. So, you send an urgent text instead.

"Someone saw us last night."

You pick up the envelope from the floor and sit on the sofa with your hand covering your mouth. You examine the candid photos of yourself standing in the parking garage with Jimin and his family, hugging and smiling.

Someone saw you and took these photos. But why did they send them to you and not leak them online right away?

Your phone buzzes and you answer without checking caller ID. Hoping it's Jimin, you say, "Hello?"

"Y/N, please come to the general meeting room. We have an important matter to discuss. Your schedule will be rearranged to fit this meeting in."

You sigh. It's your manager. "Unnie, I just got this weird—"

She cuts you off. "Y/N, this is serious. Please come to the general meeting room."

Dumbfounded, you realize the staff must already know about the pictures. You put the envelope in your bag and head to the general meeting room, nervous.

You try calling Jimin again but it goes to voicemail without ringing.

Taking a deep breath outside the room, you square your shoulders and push the door aside. Upon entrance, the first face your eyes draw to is Jimin's. Confused, you look around the room to see his managers also present.

Bang PD goes right into it. "Y/N, have a seat. We're here to discuss the photos taken of you with Jimin and his family."

Your face flushes bright red against your will. You take a seat and hide your face.

A staff member speaks, "The optics aren't good. It looks like you two are dating. How do we explain this to the media?"

You peek at Jimin and see he's expressionless and slumped in his chair.

Another staff speaks, "This has never happened in all of your careers, so we could probably pass it off as a meaningless encounter."

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