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One random day, you rush into the company building to meet with your producers. You're running a bit late due to traffic.

As you turn the corner of the hallway, you see BTS members occupying the hall. J-Hope immediately spots you and calls you out. You wave and bow to them as a collective, trying to hurry past.

As you think you've managed to slip through them, Jimin steps in front of you and you collide into his chest. In one swift movement, he lifts your chin and kisses you on the mouth.

Shocked, your eyes are frozen open. You see the members around you awkwardly rub their necks and turn away, equally surprised.

When Jimin pulls away, you can only stare at him in a daze. "Uh...I'm late for a meeting," you say.

Jimin hugs you tightly. "Can I see you tonight?" he asks against your neck, tickling you with his breaths.

You reciprocate the hug, wondering what his motive is. "Do you want to come to my house?" you invite.

He nods and releases you from his hold. "I'll see you at your place."

You bow uncertainly and sprint to your meeting, doing your best to focus on your tasks and be fully present in the business conversations.

When your schedule is concluded, you have plans to head home right away to tidy up. In the car ride, you ask Dongwoo, "Why do you think he kissed me in front of the members?"

Dongwoo can't think of any good reasons but wishes the best for you. "Perhaps he's willing to try."

You get home and lightly clean all the rooms. It's relatively tidy already, but you don't want anything to be out of place. Knowing his schedule won't end until later, you freshen yourself with a therapeutic bath to ease your nerves. Eating dinner in front of the TV, you make time to interact with fans on your social apps.

You doze off while watching a random program when your ringtone awakens you. "Hm?" you answer.

"I'll be there in just a few minutes," Jimin says.

You sit up and blink to wake yourself. "I dozed off."

"Should I come another time?"

"No," you say quickly. "I'm ready for you now."

You end the call and splash cold water on your face. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you wonder what you must look like in Jimin's point of view. Does he see you as a naïve friend, or an easy fuck?

The sound of the doorbell resonates throughout the lonely house. You slide to the door in your slippers and check the peephole.

"Hey," you say, opening the door.

Jimin steps in quickly and removes his hat and mask. "Y/N, I'm sorry if the kiss offended you."

You shake your head. "I just want to know why you did it."

Walking to the TV room, you sit on the sofa with your legs tucked under you. He explains, "When I saw you, I couldn't resist tasting your lips. I missed you so much."

You nod and stare at him softly. He continues, "But it's more than that. I miss joking with you, playing games with you, being spontaneous and open. I didn't think I was allowed to feel all that."

Listening intently, you remember what Dongwoo said. Park Jimin doesn't seem like the type to lie. Jimin also wouldn't come to your house late at night in between his schedule to say these things for no reason.

"Y/N, if we date, it'll be terribly difficult. I'll want to see you and wine and dine you everyday, but if I'm on tour, we might not see each other for months. I'll want to do spontaneous things with you, but we'll have to prepare reservations and security weeks in advance. I'll want to wake up with you and spend the day in bed, but I rarely get a day off."

You nod, understanding all this. It only makes you feel bad.

"Y/N, say something."

You gulp. "I know we can't date. I've been prepped and trained to know this. I've slept with guys and never called them back because I know my career can't handle any outside commitments. I don't know why I pressed the topic on you. I guess the 14 days just felt like maybe it could work."

Jimin grabs your hand and plays with your fingers. "My mom said you're a good woman," he says.

You blush and turn away. "One day we'll retire, and we can revisit this conversation, unless we find other people along the way." It pains you to say this, but you're using logic before emotion tonight.

Jimin intertwines your fingers now, holding your hand to his fast paced heart. "Be mine. Now."

You look at him with wide eyes. Your shoulders rise and fall as you take deep breaths, overwhelmed by his demands. He reaches for your face and kisses you sweetly on the lips. "Y/N, please be mine."

You don't know what to say. He just listed all the reasons why you shouldn't be together, and it all made sense. Most of your relationship would be long distance and annoyingly calculated.

"Jiminie...I thought we agreed it wouldn't work."

"I'm going to do my best to make you feel loved. Even when I'm miles away, you'll feel me," he promises.

You search for the lie in his eyes, but he seems thoroughly genuine. Your vision blurs behind a wall of tears. "I was just starting to go back to my ways of solitude."

Jimin hugs you, pressing your head to his chest. "I love you."

Your tears flow freely now. Did you hear him correctly?

"Y/N, I love you so much."

You grip his shirt in your fists and cling to him, sobbing in both happiness and sadness, because your relationship would be nothing close to normal. You both will suffer at times.

"Say something," he begs.

"I love you, too," you finally say. It feels like a ton of bricks is lifted from your chest and you can breathe again.

"Will you be mine?" he sounds defeated as he muffles the words in your hair.

You nod against his chest in the pool of your tears that's collected in the fabric of his sweater. "I will."

He wipes your tears with his sweater paws and kisses you, deepening it by bobbing backwards and forwards slowly. You follow his rhythm and loosely wrap your arms around his back.

He breaks away for a second to ask, "Where's your bedroom?"

You lead him there with your fingers linked. He pushes your robe from your shoulders and lets it fall soundlessly to the floor, revealing you in just your panties.

He contains himself enough to sit you on the edge of the bed and kneel before you, pressing his lips against every inch of your body. "You're a goddess," he says between kisses.

You run your fingers through his hair and let your head fall back. He climbs atop you now, peering into your face. "I'll always make time to love you properly. I promise you this."

You melt under his savory words and squirm beneath his weight. Making note of how insignificant the quickies made you feel, he vows to please you the way you deserve.

He makes love to you for hours, paying attention to what you like and what turns you on. You orgasm and cum countless times, each one more intense than the previous one.

All the while, you feel weightless, like you've shed your skin and are left with nothing but your soul, purely happy.

He finally allows himself sweet release and falls beside you, eyes closed and panting heavily. You smooth his hair and kiss his temple. Snuggling into his body, you fall asleep almost immediately.

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