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After the show, you ditch your bodyguard and head backstage to meet with Jimin.

You approach a cracked door and peek inside, spotting the group taking photos with cute handwritten signs and purple bandanas tied around their necks or wrists.

You slip through the door noiselessly and lean against the wall, admiring them.

After the last photo, Jimin scans the room and spots you right away. He trots to you happily like a galloping pony overfilled with joy. You're suddenly overwhelmed with a mix of different emotions. You sniffle and burst into tears.

Jimin embraces you and kisses your forehead. "Baby, I'm so happy you came."

You bawl into his shirt. "Jimin-ah..."

"Why are you crying like this? Let's be happy," he says, stroking your cheeks at a rapid rate to keep up with your flowing tears.

You pull away, facing him with flushed cheeks and a runny nose, but you don't care about appearances right now. "I came because I have something to share," you say, wiping your face dry with your sleeve.

Reaching into your bag, you reveal a small item wrapped in purple tissue paper and tied with a curled ribbon. Jimin receives the gift and pokes out his plump lips like a duckling as he concentrates on untying the intricate knot.

You wait in anticipation to gauge his reaction. He drops the ribbon and tissue paper on the floor, holding the positive pregnancy test in his bare hands. He stares at it, like he's in disbelief. It feels as though too much time has passed and he hasn't yet uttered a word. You start to worry that he's upset by the news.

As you prepare to run back to your car, he lifts his head and reveals his sparkling eyes. "Y/N..."

"I'm pregnant," you nod, confirming his sights.

Tears falls from his large, glimmering eyes as a smile spreads across his face. He lifts you in his arms and spins you in a circle, crying into your shoulder. The members approach to greet you and inquire about the dramatic scene you've just pulled off.

Jimin shows them the stick with shaky hands. They're obviously shocked but cheerfully congratulate you without missing a beat. You're grateful for the safe space BTS always provides, whether it be intentional or not.

Jimin kisses you passionately and pulls you into his chest.

"Let's go to the hotel."


In his room, you strip your clothing and dress in one of his spare oversized t-shirts just as you did every day of your shared vacation. You lay in bed and shut your eyes for only a second when Jimin plops beside you, shaking you awake.

"Y/N, when did you find out?"


Jimin's eyes widen. "How did the company let you fly here at short notice?"

You try to suppress your laughter. "Those bastards didn't know I came here. I'm not sure what their motives are, and I'm so afraid they'll ask me to terminate the pregnancy. I had to get out of there."

"You don't want an abortion?" he asks.

"No. Do you?" Your heart races so rapidly you feel it'll kill you.

He gently shakes his head, "No," and takes one of your hands, kissing your knuckles. "We thought our relationship was going to end our careers. Now we have a pregnancy to publicly deal with. I just want you to take care of yourself and ignore what people say."

You nod and force a smile. The company is going to have a fit when you return.

"They want me to say you're not the father," you quietly relay.

"Who else would the father be?" he snaps, growing visibly angry.

"It could only be you," you whisper, trying to hold in your intense emotions. "And I don't want to lie about that."

Your tears fall one by one, and they soon run in streams. Jimin rubs your back and whispers sweet nothings in your ear, apologizing for his outburst, as it wasn't geared towards you. You honestly can't hear him over your own whining.

When the hormones subside, your sadness fades, and you excuse yourself to wash your face. Shortly, Jimin joins you to shower together, just as you normally would at home.

Afterwards, you don't bother dressing your bodies and get right to business, making love endlessly through the night.

Jimin kisses your belly, which he's done many times before, but this time it feels drastically different.

"I feel guilty that you have to deal with everything alone when you get back home," he mutters.

You brush his hair from his forehead. "I'll be okay."

He smiles. "I know you'll be okay. But it's unfair."

You snuggle against him and listen to his strong heartbeat. "Aren't you tired from the concert?" you ask.

"I got a burst of energy the moment I saw you," he slurs, clearly fighting his sleep.

You chuckle and say nothing else, allowing him the few seconds it'll take to fully succumb to slumber.

You drift away as well, finding complete solace and comfort in his arms. You're safe here.

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