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It's day two of your 14-day trip with your friend and fellow idol Jimin.

You open your eyes to see his angelic face a few inches away. His puffy cheek is mushed by the fluffy pillow, and his lips are slightly parted as he lightly snores. You wish to pinch his cheeks but instead grant him a few more minutes of rest before bothering him.

You've almost completed your morning facial and oral routines in the bathroom when you hear him stretching and yawning from the bed. You poke your head out the doorway and smile. "Welcome to a new day. How'd you sleep?"

He smiles sheepishly and buries his face in the pillow, muffling his voice. "Amazing."

You speedily finish your routines and apply light makeup for the day. Upon reentering the bedroom, he's softly snoring again. You can no longer resist the desire to pinch his adorable cheek, startling him awake. "Let's go skiing."

He nods silently, shaking his unkempt hair.

Once he's behind the closed bathroom door, you dress into ski gear and head into the main room, reading the brochure and ski instructions with moderate vigor.

Jimin joins you after a few minutes and rubs his belly. "Are we skipping breakfast?"

"Of course not," you giggle and grab his hand, quickly leading him out to the dining hall.

You eat by a large window that replaces an entire wall of the lobby and watch as people expertly cut through the snowy mountains and fly downhill. Jimin consumes an entire plate of pancakes before offering commentary on the splendid view.

"These skiers are too skilled. We might've come to the wrong place."

You laugh and push his arm playfully. "We're just having fun. It's okay if we're no good."

He smiles and finishes the last drop of his coffee before concealing most of his face with a scarf and hat. You do the same and tread into the snow.

You approach the rental hut and decide on the snowboarding and skiing bundle which includes a demonstration from a professional. Jimin goes with the flow and helpfully carries the equipment to a bench, awaiting the demonstrator's arrival.

Jimin turns out to be a natural in the snow. You, on the other hand, get the hang of it only after suffering a few humiliating falls.

An eventful 5 hours pass in bliss when you collapse onto a patch of untouched snow and carve a snow angel. "That was so fun!" you exclaim.

Jimin throws a snowball at your chest and bursts into laughter. "Yeah, I had a great time."

You rise from the ground and pile snow into your mittens. "You're dead!" you say as you hurl uneven snowballs at Jimin, landing only one on his arm.

You both squeal as you exchange attacks. You hobble towards him, blinded by giddy laughter, and fall into him, but his feet get stuck and you descend into a bed of snow together.

Laughing uncontrollably, you finally get up and dust yourselves off, complaining about how cold you feel.

Jimin points to the row of outdoor cafes. "Let's warm up with some tea."

You eagerly nod in agreement and allow him to lead you by holding your hand.

He orders tea and a hot meal for each of you, carrying the meal trays into the lodge and gravitating toward that same spot by the window.

A staff member builds a fire in the fireplace and you feel your stiff fingers regain flexibility. Jimin blows his warm breath on his hands to help loosen his stiff joints.

You eat together and recount memories from the recent snow activities, asking "Did you see when..." and "Remember when..."

After devouring the hearty meal, you lean back against your chair and close your eyes, feeling exhausted but pleased by the fullness in your tummy.

Jimin puts his feet up on your armrest and crosses them, sighing. "I'm glad I came on this trip with you."

You smile and lay a gentle hand on his socked foot. "I knew you'd be the perfect person to take a spontaneous trip with." You pretend to massage his foot, but as soon as he relaxes, you tickle him, causing an eruptive reaction.

He pulls his feet away and holds his midsection, laughing with his whole face. You join him with cheery cackles and speedily strap your boots back on, afraid he might try to get revenge.

After a minute, the laughter subsides, giving you both a chance to catch your breaths. You ask Jimin what you should do tomorrow.

He replies, "Let's go somewhere warmer."

You agree and reach out for his hand. He quickly retracts and shakes his head. "You'll tickle me."

You have another laughing fit before urging him to take your hand. He places his palm against yours, and you shake on the idea of catching the first train tomorrow morning to anywhere warmer.

Following the handshake, neither of you let go of the other's hand. You sit and continue people-watching until the streetlights blink on.

"We should rest if we plan to wake early," he eventually reasons.

You sit up with sleepy eyes, finally releasing his hand. "Yeah, let's head to the room."

Upon entering the suite, you strip of your outer garments and immediately run warm water in the shower. The bathroom gradually fills with a soothing condensation. As you take your time washing off the evidence of the day, Jimin gets a head start on packing his bags in the bedroom.

When you're totally cleansed and moisturized, you finally enter the bedroom in your towel and crouch beside your messy suitcase, first looking for a clean pair of panties. Jimin makes an effort to avoid you with his eyes.

"I'll take my turn now," he says, heading for the shower.

Unbothered, you pack your belongings as well, leaving out an outfit for departure and zipping the luggage shut.

Changing into Jimin's spare t-shirt and boxers, you collapse onto the comfy bed and are the first to fall asleep once again.

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