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You wake up to the smell of food invading your nostrils. You gag and run the to bathroom to vomit, but nothing much comes up since you haven't ingested anything in days.

Jimin appears by your side and pulls your hair into his hand, rubbing your back.

"I didn't know you had symptoms like this. I would've told room service to hold the breakfast."

You shake your head slowly. "It's okay."

He lightly rests his cheek on your back. "I'll go resolve it."

You sit on the bathroom floor wondering what he meant. Will he take the breakfast outside?

You rinse your mouth and lay down in bed again, feeling too weak to even raise your head. You doze off for a few minutes when Jimin returns with a tray.

You sniff but barely detect anything. He shows you plain porridge and unsweetened milk. You beam at his thoughtfulness and gratefully accept the tray.

"But what did you do with your breakfast?" you inquire, savagely scooping porridge into your hungry mouth.

He waves his hand in the air. "Don't worry. I scarfed it down before exchanging the tray for this one."

You laugh and thank him again. He tenderly massages your shoulders as you lick the bowl clean.

"I can't believe you're carrying my child," he suddenly says. "Please be healthy and have good thoughts. The baby can feel it."

You nod and promise to be well. "I should head back home today. I'm afraid of how the company might retaliate."

Jimin sighs. "They can't make you do anything to your body that you don't want to do. I'll come down there myself if they pester you. Just let me know."

You throw your head and laugh. "You'll leave your world tour just to come and argue with the company?"

Jimin nods.

"Before we started dating, you said your career was the only thing that mattered. Has that changed?" you inquire with peaked interest.

He cocks his head and thinks for a moment. "My career is still a priority. But when it comes to you and my baby, I have no choice but to choose you."

You smile girlishly and finish your breakfast, gulping down the milk with satisfaction. You turn your phone back on and notice the hundreds of text messages from your managers and staff.

Some of the messages express concern while others read as warnings. You keep this to yourself, not wanting to upset Jimin. Then you see the posts on social media about your visit to Europe.

Jimin takes your phone and rests it on the nightstand.

"We don't have time to waste," he says determinedly.

He pulls you by the legs and lays you down, seductively kissing your skin with his warm lips. His breath tickles you and makes you jolt with anticipation.

Like he said, there's no time to waste. He penetrates you deeply, resulting in loud moans and long cries. You make love for as long as you can hold out, but you both cum in a matter of minutes.

After saying final goodbyes, shedding tears, and making promises to one another, you leave the hotel and head home to South Korea.


When you touch down, Dongwoo faithfully awaits your arrival at the car.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but the company gave me strict orders to bring you to the building."

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