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At home, you thoroughly shower and lay comfortably on the sofa, not caring to wear anything but a fluffy robe.

You ingest a modest dinner while the faint buzz of the TV offers a calming white noise effect, and scroll through Twitter and Weverse to interact with fans, laughing at some posts and replying to others.

When you finish your meal, you promptly clean your plate and head to the closet, picking out a small luggage and large duffel.

Perusing your walk-in closet, you run your fingers along the various fabrics hanging in the walls. Not wanting to stand out in a crowd, you gather mostly plain black clothing and dump them into your open luggage on the floor.

You toss in a few pairs of shoes, unsure exactly what activities you should be preparing for. Not knowing what else to pack, you decide to give Jimin a call, hoping he's still awake.

You check yourself out in the wall mirror and notice the stubble on your legs. No big deal. You can shave that in the morning. It's not like you'll be rubbing legs with anyone.


"Jiminie! I need help packing."

He chuckles. "I'm doing the same thing. All that matters is you don't forget extra underwear."

You banter for a few minutes, purely enjoying the phone call and chatting about everything except packing. Soon, you hear Hoseok in Jimin's background telling him to keep the noise down. Not wanting to be a bother, you let him go and continue in your solitude.

Frowning at the black and white palette that consumes your luggage, you finally grab a few colorful articles at random and figure that should be good enough.

Lastly, you pack accessories and skincare into the large duffel when you worry the size of the item may be a burden to lug around, so you opt for a smaller duffel, transferring the items and feeling proud of your discretion.

Without further thought, you drop your robe on the ground and retire to bed, wrapping yourself in the thick blankets.

An alarm is set for 5am. That should be enough time to make it to Seoul station by sunrise.


The sun is just peeking over the horizon as you step into the street and thank your personal driver for the ride to the station.

You glance over passerby's faces and head to the ticket booth when you don't recognize any of them. Upon examination of the schedule board, you note the next train is at 6:50am to Pyeongchang. That's in half an hour.

As you turn away from the schedule board, you feel anxiety sneaking up and ruffling your feathers. You start to doubt if Jimin will actually come. Suppose he doesn't... Well, you would just make it another solo mission. After all, you're already here.

Just as you make up your mind, you spot a man walking through the square with swagger. He models a black baseball cap, black hoodie, and black pants. His Chelsea boots look rather expensive.

You approach him slowly and lock eyes as he raises his head, skipping towards him happily. "Park Jimin!" you whisper-shout.

He pulls his hat down further to obscure his face and bows to you. "You look good. Almost like an idol," he taunts.

You giggle and pull his hoodie strings. "You look like an idol, too. You should try walking like a regular person."

He tugs on the strap of your duffel to nitpick. "I thought we agreed not to wear expensive things."

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