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You wake in darkness, confused of the time of day.

Drawing the heavy drapes, you become instantly blinded by the sunshine that floods forth, quickly replacing them to drown out the overpowering natural light.

Much too aroused to return to sleep now, you wash up and dress in the robe that was prepared for you. Heading into the kitchen, you gather ingredients for buchimgae (Korean pancakes) and fry up a large plate of pancakes which you set at the table's center. You indulge a piece, waiting for others to wake up.

As you move to your fourth helping, Jimin's mother makes her appearance and looks to the plate with shock. "You've already cooked breakfast?"

You nod and bow to her, shyly placing down your half-eaten pancake. "I hope you don't mind I used some ingredients."

She shakes her head and waves her hands in the air. "No, no. I'm impressed. Let's taste your buchimgae." She takes a piece and dips it in soy sauce before putting it in her mouth, chewing meticulously. You hold your breath, nervous about her critique.

She begins to chew energetically and finally reports, "Mmmm, Y/N. If you cook like this for Jimin-ah, he will gain weight."

You laugh and let the comment pass. You can't imagine why you'd be cooking meals for her son.

Jihyun and his father awaken respectively. Jimin is the last to enter the kitchen, and, by this time, the pancakes are cold.

"Jiminie, you missed my all-star buchimgae. I got your mother's approval," you beam.

He smiles and nods, eyes still seemingly closed and hair sticking out in defiance of the rules of gravity. "Then it should taste good even if it's cold," he says, stuffing a piece in his mouth.

He exaggeratedly reacts in pleasure, making you lose your balance on your stool, almost falling off from laughing so fully. When he finishes the plate, you discuss the day's itinerary.

"Get dressed and we'll tour the town," is all he says before he retreats to his bedroom to ready himself.

After changing into comfortable clothes, you rejoin him in the living room. He informs his family of your plans and promises to be back in time for dinner.

Like schoolchildren, you scramble out of the house and into the vast world. Jimin expertly shows you some important places of his childhood and recounts memories with his friends. He also brings you to astonishing landmarks and shows you the sparkling sea.

Although it's chilly out, you let the ocean breeze billow through your hair and roughly stroke your face. This is the Busan sea that he loves so much.

At a bicycle rental stall, Jimin casually converses with the merchant whom he seems to know well. They interact like old friends who haven't seen each other in some time. It's relieving to see him treated as a normal, fellow human being.

Along the beach, you ride the rented bikes with Jimin and let the exhilaration take control. You feel like a paper airplane soaring over the land, not gaining much altitude but wading weightlessly through the gusts of winds. You still manage to keep up with his pace while gawking over the pretty views.

When the sky begins to look warmer, but the wind becomes more chill, Jimin checks his watch. "We should make it back for dinner," he says.

You agree and head back to the house, linking arms with Jimin and huddling close to his body to stay warm. "Geez, it's colder than I thought," you say.

"It's the sea breeze," he explains. He takes his jacket off and wraps it around you. You feel his heat encompass you like a warm hug.

When you arrive at the house, dinner is set and ready to be devoured. Everyone enjoys the food and engages in comedic conversation, bringing up different accounts from Jimin's childhood and adolescence. He unashamedly owns all the stories and doesn't hesitate to make fun of himself as well.

After dinner, you volunteer to clear the table and wash the dishes. It's the least you can do when you know how hard Jimin's mother works to cook delicious meals for her family.

Jimin accompanies you with the chores and diligently sweeps the floor while you wipe the table. Feeling satisfied, you sigh and sit on a stool. "I'm beat."

Jimin grabs your hands and pulls you back on your feet, dancing freely. "Don't settle down yet. Wanna watch TV?" he asks.

You let him move your arms like a marionette doll and stare into his delighted face. "Okay," you give in.

He squeals like a baby and drags you to the main room where the TV is mounted on the wall. You cuddle against him as he wraps a blanket around you both.

He's only searching the queue for a movie to watch when you already feel your eyelids weighing down. He nudges you. "Sleeping already?"

You pretend to be awake and clear your throat. "No, you're just taking so long to put something on."

He chooses an action movie that you've already seen, but you say nothing and lay in the crook of his arm. After the first few minutes, you can't fight it anymore and let your eyes fall shut.

Jimin shifts his body so that you lay more comfortably against him. Your head is now at his chest, and you hear his heartbeat under your cheek. The rhythm calms you, and you unintentionally match your breathing with the rise and fall of his chest.

You sleep like that throughout the night, not waking even once.

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