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Jimin's mother continues to visit everyday to cook and care for you. She shares invaluable wisdom with you both about adulthood and parenthood.

Lately, you've been feeling lazy and tired all the time. You spend a lot of the day sleeping if Jimin isn't forcing you to stretch and do yoga with him.

Tonight, you sit in a warm bath while Jimin rests in a chair beside you and bathes you with a loofa. You lean your head against the edge of the tub and feel more relaxed than ever before.

He rubs soap on your humongous belly, and you feel the baby kicking. Your face pinches but Jimin is ecstatic. "I saw the feet! They're so tiny!"

You smile at him, admiring his happy face and feeling good about being the reason for his joy.

He finishes bathing you and helps you rinse off the soap. When you step out of the tub, you use him as a support and are careful not to slip.

He dries you off with a towel while you lean against his shoulder. This moment feels so intimate. He handles you gently and attentively dries off every crevice of your body.

As you lay in the bed with your hair wrapped in a towel, Jimin smooths lotions over your body. It feels like a blissful massage. You drift to sleep and startle awake when you catch yourself snoring.

Jimin laughs and snuggles beside you. His face is oily and his hair has lost its peachy smell. He's been working hard all day to cook and clean for you. Now he's able to rest, and he falls asleep immediately.

You feel sorry that he's so overworked, but you know he also enjoys spending time with you and the baby.

You hold his head to your chest and fall asleep with him in your arms. If life could always be this simple, you would never ask for more.


Two weeks later, you're 40 weeks pregnant and at the peak of discomfort.

Jimin begs you to eat something, but you have no appetite. Your attitude is unintentionally harsh and your temper is short. Jimin sits in a separate armchair while you take up the entire sofa.

You watch variety shows and doze in and out of sleep all day. Jimin sits by you patiently, mostly scrolling through things on his phone but occasionally stealing glances at you to make sure you're okay.

In the midst of a nap, you awaken with sharp pains.

"Ahh," you exclaim, sitting up and holding your belly. "Oww."

Jimin rushes to your side and kneels before you, touching your belly. "What's wrong?"

You hear splashing, and you look down to see your slippers filled with a clear liquid.

Jimin follows your gaze and immediately swoops you into his arms. He carries you to the car and runs back into the house to grab the luggage you've prepared for your delivery.

Jimin speeds through Seoul to get to the hospital.

"Jimin," you say quickly and sharply through breaths. "Slow...down."

Jimin says nothing and grips the steering wheel, weaving in and out of traffic.

"Baby..." you try again. "I'm not....deli....vering....right away," you manage to croak out.

"You're in pain. I'm going to get you there quickly so you can be more comfortable," he says calmly.

Your panties and skirt are soaked with amniotic fluid. You feel bad about the damage it must be causing to his car's interior.

"I'm...fine," you say through gritted teeth. You feel a contraction and exhale slowly.

"You lie," he says curtly. "We're almost there. No need to be tough in front of me. Please be vulnerable. I need to know if you're hurt so I can take care of you."

You yell in pain and let yourself go. "Ugh! Ahhhhh! Hurry up!"

He smirks and presses the pedal. "I'm going as fast as I can."

You yell until you reach the hospital, and it feels better than holding it in. When you get to the parking lot, Jimin requests a wheelchair for you, and wheels you to a private room.

Nurses meet you and get you changed into a hospital gown. The doctor examines your cervix and leaves the room. You grab the bed rails and groan.

Jimin strokes your hair and places a cold rag on your forehead. He offers to walk with you up and down the hallway to help with the dilation, but you don't think your swollen ankles will be able to support you right now.

Jimin calls his family to inform them that you're in labor. Then he calls the members who stop their rehearsal to say hello and wish you well.

After a few hours, the doctor is pleased with your dilation. He prepares for your delivery and offers you pain medication. You refuse, wishing to deliver naturally.

After endless pushing and screaming, you dig your nails into Jimin's hands and arms, leaving marks and cuts. He doesn't complain at all and encourages you with words of strength and bravery.

Your sweat drips and blinds you, and the bright lights of the room blur your vision.

"One final push. Make it a big one," the doctor instructs.

You take a deep breath and push with all your might. "Ahhhhhh!" you scream and then lifelessly fall back into the bed, panting weakly.

"She's lost a lot of blood," you hear a nurse say.

A baby cries.

"Will you be able to stitch her up? I don't think the blood is stopping."

An oxygen mask is placed over your face.

"Park Jimin, please cut the cord."

A sharp sound fills your ears. Those must be scissors.

"Do we need a blood transfusion?"

The last thing you hear before succumbing to the darkness behind your eyelids is your baby boy's vivacious cries.

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