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Over the next few days, you're less and less surprised by the impromptu couples photo shoots and interviews with Jimin.

You enjoy all the time you spend together during the workday. There's a sort of joy you feel when work isn't just strict and straightforward. Seeing your lover also helps the time to fly.

Yet, it's still strange to see him in the process of getting his hair styled and makeup done. Usually you're only used to seeing the result.

Today, he's dressed in a grey suit with pink and ivory details. You're given an ivory sheath dress with pearls and yellow details. In this photo shoot, you're together in a garden having a tea party.

This is comedic to you since you're not the type of couple to have a tea party but instead visit public foot baths and play at arcades to place drinking bets against each other.

Nonetheless, you sport your prettiest smiles and give Jimin loving glances. So far, the optics around your public relationship have been good. As expected, some people hate it, but others are just as happy for you.

Even in your solo interviews, Jimin's name is constantly mentioned. You go with it and answer everything as you were prepped.

After the tea party shoot, Jimin walks with you to your studio. You lock the door behind you and climb onto his lap on the sofa. Kissing him passionately and lifting his shirt, he stops you midway and cups your cheek.

"Can we talk for a minute?"

Confused, you take a seat beside him and straighten yourself. "Sure."

He pulls out his phone and goes to his email. You awkwardly look away, trying not to seem nosy.

"I got my tour schedule," he says, showing you the copy on his phone.

You slowly turn to him and bite your lip, filled with panic. He'll be gone for seven months. "Okay," you say, handing his phone back.

He puts his phone away. "You don't want to look at the dates and locations?"

You shake your head. "There's nothing I can do to stop you from going, so I'll deal with it as the days come."

He pulls you back onto his lap. "You can always tell me how you feel." He kisses you and you follow his motions. He replaces your hands under his shirt. You pause and feel his abs flexing under your palms.

"I can tell you're not okay," he says.

You meet his eyes. "How?"

He takes your hands and kisses them one by one. "You go into this sort of shock or numbness when you're not okay."

You look down to avert your gaze. He's spot on. "I'm afraid I'll have separation anxiety while you're away," you admit.

He smiles sweetly. "What is seven months when we have a lifetime to spend together?"

You nod. "I agree. But it's easier said than done."

His eyes narrow as he lifts your chin. "Y/N, do you think you'll fall out of love with me when I'm gone?"

You reflexively scoff. "Do you think it'd be that easy for me to kick you to the curb?"

He chuckles. "Out of sight, out of mind."

"I'll FaceTime you everyday then. I'm keeping you in my sights," you retort.

He laughs and kisses you happily. You forcefully kiss him back, picking up where you left off. You remove his stuffy clothes and strip yours as well.

After making love on your studio sofa, his warmth fills you to the brim. You redress and pull a brush from your bag to smooth your hair. He slips out and heads to the next item on his schedule.

You also resume your schedule, but with a new concern lingering in the back of your mind. His world tour is inevitable and fast approaching.

When you get home that night, you rediscover your vibrator at the back of your bedside table collecting dust. You find batteries and excitedly set up your toy. In the shower, you run the steaming hot water and slide the vibrator in, letting the old but familiar vibrations shake you up.

Moaning and grinding with the toy, you can't seem to reach orgasm like you used to. You change the settings, increasing the vibration speed and tempo. After what felt like half an hour, you turn the toy off and complete your shower routine, feeling like the water was being wasted.

You dry off and lay in bed right away, giving the toy another try. Squirting lube on the toy and your pussy, you slide the toy in and begin your session.

After several fantasies of yourself and Jimin, you finally orgasm and let out an exhausted cry when you cum. Your eyes are plastered shut from the concentration required to reach this point, and you fall asleep with the vibrator in hand.

You awake in embarrassment hours later when Jimin takes the toy from your hand and examines it while sitting beside your nude body on the bed.

You roll onto your stomach and sigh. "I'm getting myself ready for the self-pleasure sessions that'll ensue when you're gone."

Jimin places the toy on the bedside table and rests his lips against your ear. "I'm not gone yet."

He turns you over and lays atop you, rubbing his denim jeans against your bare pussy. The rough sensation instantly makes you horny for more. The friction is enough to put you into overdrive.

He kisses you deeply, enticing you to wrap your legs around his waist. There's no time for foreplay as you both grab at each other's bodies in eagerness. In a moment, he's also nude and thrusting inside you.

You orgasm in seconds, effortlessly reaching the limit that the toy couldn't bring you. Nothing can compare to the real thing.

He bites his lip as he plows into you, looking devilishly sexy with his little nose scrunched up. Your breaths become shallow and fast when you encounter your second orgasm.

He treats your body to maximum pleasure before reaching his release. He rolls onto his back and looks at the ceiling while taking deep breaths. You comb his hair from his face and smile.

"I'm gonna miss you fucking me like this every night."

He turns to you and chuckles. "I'm going to miss it, too."

You grab your vibrator and place it in his hand. "Fuck me with this. I've been struggling to cum with it today."

He raises an eyebrow in interest. "You still got more in you? You came like 9 times."

You laugh and cover your face. "Maybe you're right. We can try another time."

Swiftly, Jimin inserts the vibrator into your already soaked pussy and presses the power button. Not expecting it, you gasp and moan.

He changes the settings and lightly thrusts it, saying, "I'm not sure what to do."

You grab his hand and guide him, moving the toy in different directions and playing with the settings.

Jimin sucks your nipple as the toy tickles your walls. You feel his warm cum leaking from your hole and trickling out. Replaying the sex scene from earlier in your head, you manage to cum and remove the toy.

Pulling Jimin's face to yours, you kiss him sloppily and notice his dick has hardened again. Helping him reinsert himself into you, you enjoy another round of rough sex.

When he cums inside you, he doesn't pull out at all, as you prefer. You fall asleep in a wink, fully stuffed and overly satisfied. You want him inside you, always.

If only this could never end.

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