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The sun hasn't yet made its appearance when Jimin shakes your arm to awaken you.

"Jimin..." you groan.

"Y/N, we have to catch the train."

You grab his arm to anchor him down, convincing him to return to sleep. He lays beside you and huffs. "We can't wait and risk traveling with a crowd."

You press a finger to his soft lips and look at him between long blinks. "I'm so tired," you whine, feeling sore and drained from yesterday's sports.

He resumes shaking your arm. "You can sleep on me when we get to the station. Let's get moving."

You groan and roll over in bed. "You should be a manager. You do an excellent job of ruining my sleep."

Jimin chuckles as he turns on the light, blinding you without warning. "It's for your benefit," he replies.

You pull the blanket over your head, prompting Jimin to lay his body over you and crush you under his weight.

"Jimin, get off!"

He laughs. "Fight me." He's a dead weight on top of you, and you struggle to push him off. "Not so feisty now, huh?" he teases.

You uncaringly forfeit and lay under his weight for some seconds before he finally gets up and rips the blanket from you.

You're offended by the bright light of the room. "Jimiiinnnnn," you agitatedly whine. "Okay, I'm getting up."

You stumble out of bed and push past him to get to the bathroom, quickly dressing yourself and rolling your luggage to the door. "Park Jimin. You rushed me, so you better be ready."

He rolls his luggage beside you and squeezes you in a bear hug. "You're so aggressive when you're sleepy!" he chimes.

You kick your feet until he plants you back on the ground. By this time, you now feel less hostile. "Let's see where the day will take us."


You study the schedule board at Pyeongchang station and frown at the first scheduled train.

"4 hour ride to Daegu?" you whimper and shake your head. "That's too long."

He rubs your shoulder. "You can sleep on me. 4 hours will give you plenty of shut-eye."

You pout but agree with him as he's made a good point. You purchase tickets and find a seat in the last car of the train, facing the rear window as you did last time.

Jimin loads the luggage into the overhead compartment and plops beside you. He pulls out his Switch gaming device as you lay your head on his shoulder, watching him play a game.

"Don't bother me until we arrive in Daegu," you warn. He hums in response as darkness curtains your vision.


Jimin wakes you by tickling your nose. You scrunch your face and look at him confusedly, prompting him to laugh. "We're the last ones to get off. Hurry," he says as he gathers your luggage.

Still groggy from sleep, you hug yourself and follow him off the train. It's brisk but still much warmer than your previous destination.

You huddle in a corner with Jimin, careful not to show your faces to the public too much. After searching online for fun things to do in Daegu, you agree to book a room at the nearest hotel then head to E- World, an amusement park. 

The nearest hotel is a five minute shuttle ride from the airport. You study the dull paint of the one story establishment and distastefully glance at Jimin. "This place skeeves me out," you shudder.

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