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Six months along, you suffer with constant heartburn and swollen ankles. You miss Jimin so incredibly much, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to catch up with him, as you can only reach each other at inconvenient hours due to the difference in time zones.

Your meal requests have tripled along with your appetite, your mood is unpredictable, and you spend more time sleeping than you do awake. You've tried playing with a dildo, but it feels guilty and wrong. It's also awkward with the baby bump blocking your view of yourself inserting the toy.

At seven months, your mood exponentially lifts as you anticipate Jimin's return home. You make an effort to tidy your recently uncontrolled and unkempt home. You ask your hair stylist to trim your dead ends and do a conditioning treatment.

As you sit in your studio and rub your belly, you know you should be writing lyrics or creating a melody for your next song, but the baby soaks up all the nutrients from your brain. You find yourself in a daze most of the time. Lost in a random thought, you notice your phone buzzing, and it's the single person you want to talk to. Jimin. The perfect distraction.

"Hi," you beam.

He doesn't match your mood, and you immediately frown. "Something's up, isn't it?"

He nods. "Y/N, we've been asked to do an encore."

"Oh," you nod and force a fake smile. "Yeah, go for it!" you try to seem excited.

Jimin chuckles. "We both know we don't want the encore."

You drop the act and nod vigorously. "I want you to come home."

Jimin shuts his eyelids and lowers his head. "I don't want to miss your delivery." You see his cheeks shine and take a moment to register that he's crying. "I haven't bonded with the baby, and I just want to be a good father."

You choke on your own tears. "You'll be a good father, no matter what. And I'm strong. Our baby will be fine."

Jimin doesn't argue with you, but the sorrow in his eyes tell their own story.

"Jimin, don't cry. You look miserable," you say.

He lets out a laugh and brushes his hair back. "I guess I have to do the encore. I've got to get back to the meeting."

You let him go, and you throw your phone on the sofa. You sink in your chair and swivel in a circle until you feel sick from the motion.

Will this work? You start to feel like this is all a mistake, and you hate yourself for feeling this way. How did you get pregnant? You were on birth control. Of course, it's not 100% effective, but it's damn close.

With doubts and other ideas running through your mind, you bury your head in your arms on your desk and sob loudly. It's not that you don't want to bear his child. It's that this wasn't exactly the perfect timing.

You'll be delivering in roughly two months if you have a full-term pregnancy. You were really counting on Jimin being present, but it's out of his hands now.

You think of a backup plan in case your water breaks and Jimin isn't there to bring you to the hospital. You notify Dongwoo of your thoughts, and he agrees to be ready on-call.

Then you make a call to Jimin's mother. She's more than willing to come to your home and stay with you until the end of your pregnancy. She offers to make delicious meals and help you with your appointments.

You can't stop thanking her and wish you'd called sooner.

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