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You awaken during the wee hours of the morning to pee. Looking beside you, you're greeted with Jimin's angelic face smushed into the pillow. It feels so familiar.

You relieve yourself in the bathroom and look in the mirror. Fresh red and pink bruises paint your neck and chest. You press your fingers against them to facilitate blood flow to the areas.

Retreating to bed, you cuddle against Jimin and hold him tightly, feeling your sanity returning. You knew you couldn't have been the only one questioning the boundaries of your friendship.

Snoozing into the afternoon once again, Jimin wakes you by softly kissing your cheeks. You smile with your eyes still closed and count the kisses.

He finally sits up and rests on his elbow. Before he can speak, you press a finger to his parted lips. "If you apologize again, I'm gonna be mad."

He closes his lips and stifles a laugh. "How did you know?"

You sigh. "Who apologizes for great sex? You're a psychopath," you say. He laughs and falls face-first into the pillow. You pat his back. "So much for a one-night stand, huh?"

He looks up at you with messy hair now. He's awfully gorgeous like this. "I didn't want you to think I was plotting on your body or anything," he says. "I value your friendship so much I wouldn't want to lose you over something like drunk sex."

You straighten out his bangs and grin. "I don't mind it. And we weren't drunk last night anyway."

He grabs your hand from his hair and presses it to his lips.

You debate whether to go out for your last full day of the vacation. You leave the final decision to Jimin, considering you have another 14 days left of your vacation to do whatever you want after returning to Seoul.

He suggests karaoke, but you both quickly dismiss the idea. Your voices would be too noticeable, and karaoke rooms are always crowded.

"We could set up karaoke in the main room," you suggest. "Have our own little shindig."

Jimin lights up. "Let's buy chicken and soju. That could work."

Running off a large dose of adrenaline, you go out on a mission to make the main room feel like a karaoke room. You find multicolored lights and party accessories like funny sunglasses and hats.

Ordering the food last, Jimin picks up a 750 mL bottle of soju. You give him an incredulous look and raise your eyebrows. "You're trying to go out with a bang, aren't you?"

After paying for the items and carrying it back to the hotel, you set up the string lights with Jimin's help and turn the lamplights off, making sure to draw the opaque blinds.

It definitely feels like a karaoke room. Searching for instrumentals online, you hook your phone up to the TV to stream the tracks.

Jimin goes up first and dances around the room, using a chicken leg as a microphone. You truly enjoy yourselves and feel free as a bird. With half of the bottle of soju gone, you drunkenly stumble and dance in each other's arms, laughing hysterically.

"Okay, a slow song now," you plead, pushing Jimin out of the spotlight.

He sits and eats another piece of chicken while you queue up his song Promise.

He looks up with his cheeks full of food and bats his beautiful eyelashes. You smile and sing his song to him. Taken away by the soulful lyricism of this very original piece, you make your way towards him on the sofa by the time the chorus comes around.

Climbing onto his lap, you impulsively act without thinking and kiss him aggressively, dropping the microphone and forgetting about beating his karaoke score. He kisses you twice as hard so that you're leaning back and hanging onto his neck to not fall off his lap. His hands grope your curves and travel under the shirt he lent you, finding your breasts.

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