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Your two weeks of solitary confinement have finally come to an end. You arrive at the BigHit building, determinedly knocking out your schedule. The rush of business lifts your spirits and offers you the normalcy you were craving.

As you head to the parking lot, you come across a deflated Taehyung and Jin. You exchange bows and ask how they're doing.

"We're exhausted," Taehyung sighs. "It's worse when you're tired at work and then can't sleep when you get home."

Jin agrees, adding, "Any free time we have ends up being filled with some activity later, so we're always ready to work."

You nod and sympathize as best you can. You can relate but only to a certain extent. Again, your schedule is nothing compared to theirs, the biggest idols in the world.

"How is Jimin?" you can't help but ask.

Taehyung nods thoughtfully and answers, "Jimin is well. He gives us a lot of energy."

Jin's expression brightens as an idea comes to him. "Y/N, have dinner with us tonight. We're always happier when we have company."

You shake your head shyly. "I would feel like I'm intruding," you say. "Plus, my trainer doesn't allow me to eat once the sun goes down."

Jin smirks. "I don't listen to the company. The trainer won't know if you've had a small meal. Come on, I'm cooking. Most of the food is already prepped."

You feel bad to deny Jin again when he asks so nicely, so you nod and smile. "I could stop by."

Taehyung grabs your hands and flashes a boxy smile. "Should I tell Jimin? Or will you tell him yourself?"

You raise a brow at his inquiry. "Why should I tell Jimin?"

"You're friends, right? I thought after your vacation together you've become closer."

Blushing, you tighten the scarf around your neck and wonder if Jimin told them everything that happened. You clear your throat, choking on the sudden anxiety. "You know about the vacation?"

Taehyung nods. "When his candid photos from the station circulated, we had an emergency meeting so he had to tell us where he was coming from."

You didn't expect him to hide his whereabouts from his members, but you're curious if he shared any specific details. You decide you'll ask Jimin later. "You can tell him I'm stopping by. I'll talk to him when I see him," you play it off coolly.

Saying farewell, you head home to change clothes and brush your teeth. You leave your sweats on the floor of the bathroom and enter the walk-in closet, feeling through the hanging fabrics.

You choose an oversized cream sweater and pair it with a long silky black skirt. Slipping your feet into leather mules, you walk to the full-length mirror and ruffle your hair.

Taehyung texts you that the members are all meeting up at their dorm now, so you call your personal driver to meet them as well.

When you arrive on the property, you call Taehyung and ask him to escort you inside, as you've never been here before and you're a tad nervous to walk inside. As you wait in your car, you see Jimin jogging from the dorm. Taehyung must've sent him in his place. He eyes your car but slows his pace as he can't see past the tinted windows.

You open your door and step out to be immediately embraced. He snakes his arms around your waist and lifts you, cracking your back. "Jimin!" you yelp.

He sets you down and laughs, looking deeply into your eyes. "It feels like forever."

You palm his cheek and return his stare. "I thought I was the only one."

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