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You awaken feeling well-rested. You try to sit up, but Jimin's arm holds you in place. You glance up at his sweet sleeping face.

You peel his fingers from your body one-by-one and slowly get up off the couch, careful not to wake him. Tiptoeing to your room, you strip your clothing and start your morning afresh.

Feeling renewed from your morning care routines, you dress and prepare to open your door, but something makes you stop. With your hand still on the knob, you hear Jimin's mother's voice.

"Jimin-ah, it's time to find a woman to settle down with."

Jimin sighs. "I'm too busy with my career."

"You're lonely," his mother says. "Y/N is a great choice. I approve of her."

You don't hear Jimin say anything after this, and your ego is a little hurt. Does he not think you'd be a good wife? Not that you plan to be his.

She continues, "You looked very happy sleeping with her on the couch."

"Because we're friends," he quickly shoots.

She sucks her teeth. "Don't be stubborn, son. You look good together. Just consider it. For your mother."

After a brief silence, you hear feet shuffling past your door, and you jump back, not wanting to be found eavesdropping. But the feet go by and disappear from earshot.

You slowly open your door and see Jimin has left the blanket wrinkled over the couch. You walk over and fold it, laying it neatly in its original position.

Jimin's mother comes to you and pats your back lovingly. "You're a hardworking girl. Honestly, I didn't think idols knew much about housekeeping, but I'm impressed."

You bow and smile gingerly, still a little embarrassed about the conversation you shouldn't have overheard.

In the kitchen, you assist her with preparing gimbab and sandwiches for your trip. When everything is neatly packaged into containers, Jimin enters the kitchen rubbing his tummy.

"Eat these on the ride," his mother says while wrapping cloth over the containers and handing it to him. He bows and thanks her while you wash your hands and excuse yourself to finish packing your luggage. You're uncertain if you want to bask in family life a bit longer or high-tail out of there before his mother ships you off to marry.

As you leave the house with conflicted feelings, you bow to each member and genuinely thank them for their hospitality, wishing them well. Jimin hugs his parents and ruffles Jihyun's hair, telling him to be good.

As Jimin loads the trunk of the cab, you climb into the backseat and fiddle with a string that sticks out of your sweater. Jimin sits beside you and shuts his door, waving goodbye to his home.

He turns and locks gazes with you. You shyly edge away and tug the string of your sweater, accidentally causing a big pull.

Jimin grabs your hand. "Why did you do that?"

You look up at him guilelessly. "I thought it was a loose string. I didn't know it would cause a pull."

He gently strokes your hand and peers out the window on his side. "It's okay. You still look fine."

Not sure what to say, you awkwardly sit with your arm in a weird position while he holds your hand. "Jimin, you should eat," you manage to utter, suffocating from the stifling silence.

He lets go of your hand and proceeds to pick up the wrapped containers. "Oh, right. Let's start with the gimbab."

You relax with food in your mouth and reiterate how delicious his mother's cooking is. Jimin smiles and nods, saying, "I know. She's special."

After finishing the snacks, you lay your head against the headrest and close your eyes. Jimin softly pulls you towards him so your head falls on his shoulder. Feeling content and considerably calmer, you relax and doze off as you normally would.

After 2.5 hours, you're back in Gwangju at the same hotel you previously booked, but this time in a different room with a balcony.

Jimin carries your things up, and you lay down right away. "Jiminie, car rides make me sleepy."

He laughs and walks to you, brushing your hair from your face and cupping your cheek. "You can sleep. I'll get food for us."

You push his hand away and sit up. "I want to come. What if we stay in Gwangju for the rest of the vacation? I don't really feel like taking the train everyday anymore."

Jimin nods and goes with the flow. You travel to the grocery store and buy enough ramen to last 5 days, along with some prepared foods and snacks.

Back at the hotel, you unpack with Jimin and conduct casual conversation. All the while, you wonder if he remembers the things his mother said about you.

After Jimin falls asleep, you feel the tension has made you extremely uncomfortable. To relieve the intolerable feeling, you find your vibrator and make a beeline to the bathroom, propping yourself on the counter and slipping the vibrator in.

You quietly moan and tremble for a few minutes, but just as you're about to climax, the vibrations abruptly stop. You rush to tap the buttons, trying to turn it back on.

When nothing works, you pull it out and remove the batteries, examining them. These ones are dead and you didn't bring spares, thinking you wouldn't need it. You clean the vibrator and sigh, feeling utterly irritated and dissatisfied.

You slip into bed beside Jimin and study his angelic face. Should you wake him and ask him to grab batteries for you? How would you explain what you need them for?

You decide to leave him be, tossing and turning, and feeling worse than before. It seems hours have passed before you drift to sleep.

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