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You begin the fourth day of the trip with a hot shower, as the room was unnervingly cold throughout the night. You're partially at fault since you slept atop the blanket, afraid of what disgusting mysteries might lie beneath it. Jimin, on the other hand, didn't care too much and slept in peace as he normally does.

You step under the strong pressure of the shower water, starting with shampoo and scratching at your scalp to work up a lather. The streaming droplets harshly hit your skin like burning pellets.

Just as you accomplish rinsing out all the shampoo, you notice a lone bug on the ledge of the tub. Trying to remain calm, you pull the shower curtain, preparing to splash water on the insect and, to your surprise, reveal more roaches on the ledge.

Having lost your mind, you scream and grab your towel, hopping out of the tub without a second thought, fleeing into the bedroom without bothering to properly cover yourself.

Jimin startles awake and draws his attention to your wet naked body. He abruptly turns away and clears his throat, swollen cheeks burning bright red like twin pepperonis.

Panting from fright, you hold the towel to your chest and run to him. "There are roaches in the tub!"

Jimin rolls to the vacant side of the bed and grabs a shoe from the floor. "I'll take care of it," he says without looking to you.

After he disappears into the bathroom, you can hear him whacking at the roaches. You shiver and adjust the towel to cover your lady parts more accurately.

Soon after, Jimin returns to the bedroom and tosses his shoe in a corner. He props one of his tiny hands against the side of his eyes to block his view of you. "Extermination complete," he reports in a mocking voice.

You giggle nervously. "Thank you. And you don't have to do that... We're adults. You can look at me."

He insists to respect your privacy, covering his eyes for as long as you occupy the same space. You reluctantly return to the bathroom of horrors to resume your shower. Nonetheless, you can't help feeling unclean from the roaches' unwelcome visit.

You dress simply, pulling random pieces from your luggage and throwing them on. Meanwhile, Jimin speeds through his morning routine, promising to check out as soon as possible so you can regain your peace.

Within minutes, you call a cab and ride to the train station. Everything about Daegu was great, excluding the suboptimal hotel room. Otherwise, you wish you could've stayed another day.

At the station, you see the first scheduled train is headed to Daejeon. You don't know much about this city but you find excitement in the unknown.

Seated in your usual places, Jimin asks if you need his shoulder to lay on.

"Oh, no. I'm well-rested," you refuse.

He nods and lays his head against the headrest, jutting out his perfect chin and seemingly extending his already long neck. He licks his lips and you can't help but to notice. They're plump and wet.

As you start to look away, you happen to spot another passenger who also dreamily stares at Jimin. Reacting quickly but subtly, you nudge Jimin and offer him a snack from your bag without using words.

As he reaches for the food, you grab his hand and pull him closer to you to whisper in his ear. "I think someone's watching you."

He looks at you with wide, puppy-like eyes. "Where?" he asks.

"Behind you," you inform. "You licked your lips and she got entranced. I mean, you have pretty lips. Everyone in Korea must know that, and they're easily recognizable."

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