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Awakening on the sixth day, your only thought is how to rid yourself of your annoying hangover.

You roll over to Jimin and lay a heavy hand on his back, but he doesn't budge. You lift your hand and drop it on him again, causing him to briefly shift his feet under the covers.

Torn between wanting to urge him to wake up and feeling way too tired to verbalize, you instead encircle him in your arms and press your face into his back, squeezing him weakly.

He groans as he rubs his eyes. "Mmm, Y/N."

His sexy raspy voice prompts you to squeeze tighter. At first, he tries to pry your hands off but shortly forfeits and rubs his forehead. "I have a headache."

You loosen your hold on him and rub your cheek against his shirt. "Me, too."

He turns around and, to your surprise, hugs you to his chest, squeezing you as you did him. You smell his scent and relax into his warm body, but he lets you go too soon. "We could stay another day," he says.

You shake your head against his chest, tickling his neck with your flyaway hairs. He pats your head and rests his chin there.

"Vacation can't be spent in bed," you muster the strength to speak. Although you would love to lay in bed with him all day, you know you shouldn't waste your precious free time.

He nods unenthusiastically and strokes your flyaways again. "Your baby hairs are annoying," he murmurs.

"You're annoying," you croak before breaking away from him and stretching your limbs on your side of the bed. Yeah, those naughty feelings for him have disappeared now that you've returned to your right state of mind.

You wash up and change into comfortable clothing, hoping today's train ride is a short one. Jimin washes up after you and comes out with dripping wet hair.

"Jiminie, blow dry your hair before we go. It's cold outside."

He shakes his head, splashing water droplets around him like a garden sprinkler. "I don't feel like it."

You guide him to the bed and plug in the blow dryer. "I'll do it," you offer, brushing your fingers through his soft hair and smelling the peachy shampoo waft through the otherwise dank air. It's a refreshing scent.

Running a brush through his thick black hair, you style it so that it's a bit messy but intentional. He closes his eyes for the duration, purely enjoying being pampered, but he opens them when you turn the tool off.

"Thank you," he smiles sweetly and cups his face like a delicate flower. You pinch his chubby cheek and trail towards the door.

"Now that you're all dried, let's hurry. Time is moving faster than us."

Rushing to the station, you check the schedule board and find the first scheduled train. "We're going to Gwangju."

"Ahhh," Jimin sighs. "Hobi-hyung's hometown."

You ride the two hours to Gwangju and pass time by checking your Twitter and Weverse accounts, entertaining yourself with fan interactions. It's been a week since you last posted and you want to keep your fans somewhat updated.

Stepping off the train, you can't help but immediately spot the J-Hope-inspired art painted and plastered on walls and billboards in every direction. Jimin looks incredibly proud as he snaps photos with his phone.

Checking into a quaint but clean hotel, you lay on the bed right away, not bothering to remove your jacket or shoes. The alcohol has yet to metabolize in your system. "I'm still hungover," you whine.

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