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The reactions to your pregnancy announcement weren't at all what you were expecting.

Many ARMY have declared that they'll be choosing a different bias in the group, while others have said this makes Jimin even more daddy material.

Meanwhile, your own particular fans have expressed mostly disgust and disappointment, labeling you as easy and stupid. Some theorize you planned the pregnancy to trap Jimin for his money and fame. Others speculate you were too dumb to use contraception properly.

Your managers tread around you with that "I told you so" type of attitude. You ignore it and promise Jimin you'll focus on positivity and putting your best foot forward. It's all you can do.

You're five months into your pregnancy and showing enough that you can no longer hide your baby bump under clothing.

Jimin's absence feels like a dark cloud shrouded around you. You carry the weight of this along with your growing child who seems to require much nutrition lately. You've been eating to fill the bottomless pit of your stomach.

At a fansign event, you meet with what little fans you have left. About a half hour into the event, things seem to be going well until you're stunned by a heavy object that hits you in the face.

Holding your cheek, you notice security seizing a baby bottle filled with what looks like formula from the floor. Your manager takes you by the arm and escorts you out, but not before you hear someone shout, "Leave Jimin alone or you'll regret it forever!"

You're too stunned to cry, so you sit in your makeup chair while ice is applied to your throbbing cheek. As the pain settles in, you begin to hyperventilate and struggle to achieve a full breath. Your chest instantly caves in as you gasp for air.

You grip the armrests of your chair and heave. Staff brings over a trash can, thinking you must have to vomit. You push the trash can away and feel yourself becoming dizzy. You stumble to the restroom and splash cold water on your face, washing away your makeup.

You're having a panic attack.

You call Dongwoo and arrange for him to pick you up right away. Staff is crazy if they think you're going back out there. You hurriedly grab your bag and leave the venue, running into the car. Without delay, Dongwoo transports you home safely and asks you to take care. You thank him and rush to your bed.

Stripping your outer clothing, you fall into the sheets and cry a river. You rub your belly and apologize to your baby for your weaknesses.

You sleep fitfully for about an hour when you awake to your manager's call. Answering the phone reluctantly, you expect to be scolded for leaving your obligations without informing staff. Instead, you receive ironically good news.

"Y/N, after today's violent assault, your approval ratings have skyrocketed. People are sympathizing with what's happened."

You don't say anything.

"Y/N? Are you there? We are filing a lawsuit against the person who attacked you."

"Good," you say.

Your manager huffs and puffs after a silence. "You know, ever since you've gotten involved with Jimin, it's been hard to work with you."

You hang up the phone, not in the mood to hold a meaningless conversation. You text Jimin, asking him to call you as soon as he receives the message. Then you close your eyes and sleep again. You've never felt more exhausted.

He calls you a few hours later, waking you in the darkness of your room.

"Jimin," you whine as soon as you see his face appear on the screen.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

You sob and shake your head. "No."

Unable to get the words out, you just sob with the phone in one hand and cover your face with the other.

Jimin doesn't say anything but his expression is clearly of worry.

Finally, you look into the camera and pull yourself together. "Jimin, someone threw a bottle of baby formula at my face today. The company seems happy about it because it's made my approval ratings skyrocket."

That's all you can manage to say before sobbing again. Jimin looks extremely pained, and he furrows his brows as his eyes glisten.

"My baby... Who hurt you?" he asks.

"The company is already filing a lawsuit," you inform him.

Jimin clenches his jaw. "I told you, they're not doing enough to protect you."

You try to steady your breathing and wipe the tears away, but they're just replaced by more. "What do you want me to do? Nobody respects me. People are so cruel."

Jimin clears his throat and speaks after a painstaking pause. "If being an idol is becoming too much and you're not enjoying your work, just stop."

You freeze, not completely understanding what he's said. "Stop what?"

"Stop working for the company. I'll support our family. You can stay home and raise our child how you want."

You stare at him with your mouth hanging open. "What?"

"I'll be home in two months," he reminds you. "I'll handle it when I get back. Can you hold out?"

You nod, not sure what his game plan is. You're too young to give up your career already.

"I have to get to the airport now," Jimin says. "I'll talk to you again when I land at my next destination. I love you."

You end the call against your will and lay in the darkness with your limbs spread out. Depression sits on your chest like an immovable anchor. It pierces through you and weighs you down.

The only thing that pushes you forward is the hope that each day that passes leads you closer to Jimin.

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