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The first few shows of BTS' world tour take place in South Korea. You wish him good luck and cheer him on.

On the night of the final show in Seoul, Jimin stumbles into your home, exhausted from the concert.

You lead him to bed and massage his sore, aching muscles. He hums under the pressure of your fingers and palms as they rub against his body.

"You've worked really hard," you comment.

He nods against the pillow, saying, "We give our all, no matter what the occasion is."

"Save some energy for the rest of the seven months," you advise.

He shakes his head stubbornly. "I'll be fine."

You get up from your seated position on his back and lay beside him. "What time are you leaving the country tomorrow?"

He opens his eyes to look at you sadly. "Noon."

You nod silently and stare through him. He seems to do the same. After some time, he strokes your jaw with a delicate finger. You smile and blink slowly, engraving the memory of his touch in your mind.

He comes in for a kiss, and you meet him halfway. Things escalate before you know it and you're receiving the pounding of a lifetime.

Jimin fucks you so hard and so unbelievably good, you pause a few times in the midst of sex to do a reality check. You end up breathless and in utter awe when it's over.

Where did he find the energy after such a long and tiring concert?

As the adrenaline subsides, you feel immobilized. Your pussy is swollen and hot. Your thighs are pink and sore from the skin slapping. Your hips and back are tired from getting hammered in numerous positions, and your head is dizzy.

Jimin, on the other hand, sleeps immediately. His lips are slightly parted as he lets out tiny snores. You gingerly kiss his bottom lip and cuddle against him, pulling the blanket over yourselves to get comfy.

Already, you feel anxious and alone, even as you lay in his arms. This will be your first time in a long distance relationship, and you don't want it to end like his previous one.

Holding him tightly, you silently promise to remain faithful and patient while he's away. Then you close your eyes and let your fatigue run its course, shutting your busy mind down for the night.


An alarm sounds, and you stir awake.

Jimin taps his phone screen and silences the noise. He kisses your cheek and strokes your hair from your face. You smile at him wearily.

"You're so beautiful," he says.

You blush and hide your face in the sheets but he pulls the blanket from you and starts a not-so-serious pillow fight.

After some fun, you hop in the shower together where he fucks you under steaming hot water. Afterwards, you dry off together and then fuck again on the bed. When Jimin dresses in his airport outfit, you can't resist stripping him by the door and pull him to the sofa to fuck one final time.

He blows your back out on the sofa and quickly gets himself together. You walk him to the door and hug him, refusing to let go.

"Y/N, I'll miss my flight."

"I don't want you to go."

Jimin strokes your hair slowly and gently. "Seven months isn't really a long time."

You shake your head defiantly. "It's hell for the person who's waiting."

Jimin lifts you and squeezes you into a bear hug, swinging you side to side. You half-heartedly oppose and ask to be put down. He rests you on your feet and kisses you deeply.

"Y/N, I love you."

You resume kissing him before separating to breathe. "I love you more," you say.

You hear a horn outside and meet Jimin's eyes. "My ride is here," he informs.

You make a pained face and hug him again, squeezing him with all your might. He complains, "Yah!" but doesn't fight with you to release him.

This is the last moment you'll have together until the tour is over. Seven months of physical loneliness, and possibly emotional loneliness as well, considering he'll be too busy to talk everyday.

The horn sounds again, and Jimin peels your arms off him. "Baby, I have to go."

Putting on a brave face for now, you don't wish to make this goodbye hard for him. You nod and smile brightly, patting his soft cheeks. "Be safe and take care of your health."

He nods and kisses you quickly, grabbing his luggage and rolling it out to the car. You can't bear to watch him leave, so you retreat to your home and lean your back against the door until you hear the car engine trail off and eventually disappear.

You start to get dressed for work and tidy up your room. His cum is still wet on the sheets. You already miss him like crazy.

His towel hangs on the edge of the dirty laundry bin while his clothes are still laid on the floor. You pick up after him while stifling a laugh. He can be so messy sometimes.

Going through the motions of your day, you persevere despite your lingering sadness in Jimin's absence. The hallways seem quieter without BTS' boisterous laughter and joking.

When you get home, you wonder if you should reach out to him, but you figure he's already got a lot on his plate. BTS' world tours are no joke.

You force yourself to sleep and try to empty your mind from all thoughts, especially those involving Jimin. The last thing you want is to suffer from craving his sex not even 24 hours after his departure.

You successfully sleep through the night without disturbance, but also without any texts or calls from your long distance lover Jimin.

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