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When you roll over in bed, Jimin isn't beside you. You crawl out of bed and stretch, making small grunting noises as your bones readily crack.

Jimin steps out of the bathroom fully dressed and looking very clean. "The driver should be here in about an hour," he informs you. "You woke up at a perfect time."

You nod with half-shut eyelids and tread to the sink to brush your teeth. Your morning routine won't require much time, partly because you know how desperate Jimin must feel to see his family after such a long time.

Fully awake by the end of your shower, you don't take much longer to get ready. Considering Jimin's clean style of the day, you decide to reflect his aura with a modest dress and low heels. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of his family by dressing too dull or outlandish.

As you check yourself out in the mirror, Jimin receives a call from his driver and calls for you to come outside. He loads your luggages into the trunk before accompanying you in the backseat.

The drive is long and uneventful. You doze off with your head against the window for some time but wake intermittently. Jimin is fixated on something on his phone every time you spare him a glance.

After about two hours, Jimin wakes you by lightly tapping your arm. You sit up and look at him through unfocused eyes.

"I should tell you about my family before we get there," he says. "My parents are nice people, and I have a younger brother, Jihyun. They know you're coming so they've prepared a room for you."

You nod and listen carefully, trying to remember everything.

"They aren't interested in our idol lives, so try not to bring up work. Just have a good time and be comfortable," he says.

You place your hand over his where it rests on the seat between you. "I'll just be myself. Might be embarrassing at times but I'm different from my idol persona."

Jimin smiles and lifts your hand, sandwiching it between his and bringing it to his lips, kissing the backside. "I know. I've gotten to see that this past week."

You blush and retract your hand, smiling girlishly at his gesture.

In a few minutes, you reach his family's home at the end of a long road. Jimin unpacks the luggages, thanks the driver, and walks with you up the pathway, all the while grinning from cheek to cheek. You trail in his shadows and struggle to keep up with his pace.

As you approach the large home, a woman pokes her head out from behind the door and smiles brightly. "Jimin-ah!"

She nearly gallops towards Jimin and hugs him warmly. "Jimin-ah, you need to put on some weight. Are you eating well?"

Jimin nods obediently and bows. "Yes, mom. I eat very well."

She lightly hits his arms, sizing him up. "I'm cooking lots of food today."

She turns her attention to you, and you bow at a crisp 90 degree angle. "Nice to meet you," you say politely.

Jimin's father exits the house and hugs Jimin right away. "We've missed you, my son." You bow to his father and respectfully greet him as well.

Jimin's mother points to you and says aloud to her husband, "She's very pretty."

Embarrassed, you bow again and thank her. "May I help you cook? I know quite a few recipes."

She gladly accepts your offer and leads you to the kitchen, holding onto your arm.

You help wash and cut vegetables while she boils a stew. "Mmm, it smells so good," you compliment.

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