A walk in the park

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So you are an exchange student right, who are you living with?" Kate questions me

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So you are an exchange student right, who are you living with?" Kate questions me. It's lunch now, and we are all sitting at our usual table.

Shoot, not the question I was expecting. What do I do, what do I do?

"Um.. uh.. so the thing is...you see.."

"Hey, guys, whatcha doing?" Noah interrupts.

I have never been more happier for the interruption. I could kiss you right now, Noah.

"Oh, we were just simply asking Kiara who she is living with," Ava tells Noah.

"Well, forget that. Do you know what happened in English class today?" Noah asks them.

I roll my eyes at him. Let's just say that our class was interesting due to the class clown that is Noah.

"Don't tell me you did one of your famous pranks on the teacher, and you cancelled English class," Ava says with fake enthusiasm while waving her hands.

"Uh, how did you know? Are you stalking me? ohhhh, don't tell me that Kiara is actually a spy working for you. Do you have camera's from where you can see what I am doing? or did you install a camera on me, and you can see everything?" He gasps, standing up and circling like a dog who cannot catch his tail, trying to look for any hidden cameras.

Ava and Kate only roll their eyes while I laugh my butt off. Guess they are used to his antics.

Luke comes and catches Noah's collar making him stop his actions. He drags Noah and makes him sit down. Noah just pouts, folding his arm. He looks too cute, I pinch his cheeks, and he swats my arm away.

"So what happened this time that made him run like a dog?" Luke questions, taking a fry from my plate. I glare at him, and he puts his hands up in surrender, but not before eating my fry. Well, he has his priorities set.

"So..." Noah starts,


"Class, I will be handing out some worksheets that you have to complete by this week," I groan. This is too much work.

"Yes? Mr Anderson," The teacher questions Noah, who has his hand raised.

"Sir, you only gave me one worksheet," Noah asks him.

"Um yeah, because there is only you. Why do you need two?" Sir questions.

"For my best friend here, obviously," He says in a duh tone motioning to the chair next to him. I look to his side and just see an empty chair.

"Mr Anderson, there is only an empty chair beside you." The teacher states the obvious.

"Shhh, you are gonna hurt my best friend's feelings," Noah says in a whisper and puts his hands out like he is covering someone's ears.

"Are you saying that someone is sitting next to you?" The teacher asks Noah, confused.

"Obviously, who do you think I talk to when your class gets boring? I am not crazy to talk to the air," Noah states, making weird hand motions on air.

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