Hiding Andrew

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"Kiara," someone knocks on my door

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"Kiara," someone knocks on my door. I open my eyes and look at the clock to see it is nearly 9. The person knocks on my door again, and I look at Andrew to see him sleeping soundly.

I tiptoe to the door and open it in such a way that the person will not be able to see my bed. I see Reed waiting outside.

"Sparkle, you missed dinner, you alright?" he asks me with concern.

"Yeah, sorry. I was not feeling well after school so, I came home and slept," I twist the story.

"Shall I bring you dinner and some medicine?" he asks me, touching my forehead.

"No thanks, I will come down in a minute," I tell him and smile. He nods and goes downstairs. I close the door and go to the bathroom to change into a tank top and shorts and freshen up.

I come outside and see Andrew still sleeping so, I go outside my room and lock it and take the key with me.

I go downstairs and see everybody watching a movie. Reed sees me and comes to me.

"You hungry?" I nod. We go to the kitchen, and Reed takes a plate and fills it with pasta, and I take an extra garlic bread without him noticing.

"Hey, where did you go after school," he questions.

"I was helping Noah with math homework," I lie without any stuttering. Well, I can thank my strict parents for that. He nods.

I take my plate and inform Raven that I am eating in my room since I am not feeling very well.

"You need any medicine," she asks me, and I shake my head and wish everyone goodnight and head upstairs. I unlock the door and go inside and place the food on the table and lock the door.

I shake Andrew's shoulder to wake him up. He opens his eyes, and he suddenly sits up, startled, and I calm him down. We eat the food in silence, and Andrew seems to enjoy it.

"Kiara, why aren't you asking me any questions?" he suddenly asks me.

"Because it's something personal to you, Andrew. You can tell me when you feel comfortable and know that I am here for you," I tell him.

"I killed my father,"

"Huh," I ask him, confused.

"My dad and I, we were going to the park one day and I suddenly saw some ducks crossing the road and me being a seven-year-old I screamed thinking my dad is going to hit the ducks. He got startled and lost control of the wheel, and I remember waking up in the hospital. I saw my mom crying and screaming. I knew that my dad was in critical condition. My mom later told me that my dad turned the vehicle to the right, and a truck coming from the opposite direction hit his side. He was in the ICU but, he didn't make it," tears were running down his cheeks. I hug him, trying to calm him.

"Bill, my stepfather. He borrowed money from some gangs, and could not pay it back, so he got into trouble. He met my mom in a café. He knew that my mom was rich, and he made my mom fall in love with him. He left smoking and drinking and made my mom believe that he was a good man. I was ten years old when he started abusing me. One day, my mom had to go out of town for some business and, she left me with him. He slapped me that day. After that, slapping turned to punching and kicking. He warned me not to tell my mom or else he will kill her. Two years ago, my mom also left me. She died due to cancer. I lost the purpose of living in this world, I tried to take my life, but bill found me each time. After my mom died, punching and kicking turned to something worse,"

"I killed my father, Kiara. If only I had not screamed that day, none of this would have happened. He would still be alive. I wouldn't have tried to kill myself," he says, crying loudly.

"No, Andrew, it was not your fault, you understand? You were seven years old. You didn't know any of this would happen," I tell him trying not to cry, being strong for him and myself.

"Kiara, I am leaving tomorrow after school to some hotel," he tells me once we both calm down, and I shake my head.

"I am not going to let you go, Andrew. I won't let you suffer anymore. I will find a way somehow," I tell him. Thankfully it's the weekend tomorrow. I wanted to make Andrew forget everything and enjoy his life. So, I put on some movies and take out my secret candy stash. We spend the rest of the night watching movies and escaping reality. He took the couch during the night, forcing me to sleep in my bed.

The next day, I again lock my door and go downstairs for breakfast.

"Kiara, how are you feeling," Raven asks me once she sees me.

"I am fine now," I smile to reassure her. Soon Reed and Ryder join, and we have breakfast. I take two pancakes and a few pieces of bacon and hide them in a hoodie. I finish breakfast, and I come back to my room and see Andrew coming out of my bathroom after a shower.

"I used your shower, is that okay," he asks me, panicking, and I chuckle.

"You don't have to ask me, Andrew," I tell him and give him the pancakes and bacon. I go and take a shower once I hand him his food.

"I am sorry, Kiara," he tells me when I come out of the shower, and I raise my eyebrow.

"I am a burden right now," he tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"I swear if you say you are sorry again, I will kill you," I warn him. He smiles.

"I am sorry," he grins, and I chuck a pillow at him.

"No, really, I might have separated you from your friends," I look at him questioningly.

"One day, I heard your friends talking, that you are spending all your lunch period with me and not with them,"

Oh, that is why Luke looked off that day. Everything makes sense now.

"Call them here and explain to them why you were spending time with me," he suggests.

"You don't mind?" I ask him.

"This is the least I can do for you, Kiara. I don't want your friends hating you because of me," I ask permission from Raven and video call all my friends.

"Hey guys," I greet them and mumble a hi back to me.

"Okkkaayyy," I draw out, unsure why they are so unenthusiastic, "Can you guys come over to my house today?" I ask them.

"Sorry, Kiara. Kate and I have relatives coming home today," he informs me and, I see his ears turn pink. Luke's ears always turn pink when he is lying or nervous. Kate sees this and facepalms.

"Yeah, sorry, Kiara, my mom is taking me shopping today," Ava says, not meeting my eyes. We have another liar.

"I have to babysit my sister," Noah announces, and we all facepalm this time because he does not have a sister.

"I will give you guys fifteen minutes. If you are not here by then, girls, you can say bye-bye to your makeup products and boys, you can say goodbye to your future children," I tell them, smiling sweetly and cut the call.

Ten minutes later, all my friends barge into my room, panting.

"Wow, you guys are five minutes early," I grin, glancing at the clock, and they glare at me. They look behind me and see Andrew. They face me, confusion evident in their faces.

"Guys, I am sorry for not spending time with you all. There is a reason for that," I apologise to them and look at Andrew. He sighs and explains everything to them. In the end, Ava and Kate start crying, apologising to Andrew for not doing anything about it.

Noah and Luke also apologised to both him and me.

"We are proud of you and also glad to have a best friend like you," Kate smiles and hugs me.

The rest of the day, my friends get to know more about Andrew, and we all watch movies and play games. I see Andrew smiling and laughing and also blushing because of a certain someone in that room. I chuckle.

You are not alone anymore, Andrew.


Hey guys. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments. Remember Jesus loves you.


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