Sparkling Reed

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It is finally the weekend

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It is finally the weekend. I am so happy that the weekend has arrived. I don't have much homework since it is only the first week of school. I would love to invite my friends over. But they don't know that I live with Reed.

"Youngblood say you want it

Say you want me

Say you want me

Out of your life

And I am just a dead man walking tonight."

I was singing youngblood by 5 seconds of summer and dancing in my room with my hairbrush. Then I suddenly see a flash go off. I immediately stop my dancing and look towards my door to see Reed running away.

I chase him, my concert forgot, and I hear him laugh while running down the stairs. I am going to kill him. I run down the stairs, and I see him running behind the counter. I thank God because I can run fast. I climb over the counter, and before he escapes, I jump on him to stop his running.

Reed catches me but, since it was so sudden, he loses balance and, we both fall down with me on his back.

"Ugh, get off me sparkle, you are heavy." hey my nickname! I missed you.

"No, not until you delete the photo," I answer him refusing to get up. My pride is seriously hurt here, and he even has proof, so I am not getting up until he deletes it.

"Who said I only took a photo?" he says and turns his head to smirk at me. I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face, and I did. I smacked him on his head, and his smirk turns, into a frown.

"How long were you standing there?" I ask him, curious.

"Long enough to take a video of you dancing on cheap thrills."

No, he did not. I smack him again on the head and try to take his phone but, the clever devil puts it inside his shirt. So now the phone is sandwiched between his body and the floor.

"Fine, so be it," I say and get off of him, a plan already forming in my head on how to get him back for this. He seems confused about why I gave up.

Hehe, I am going to get him back for this. I think laughing like the devil mwahaha.

'That's because you are a devil,'

'Aww, come on let me be free for at least one chapter without you,'

'Nope, not happening. You are destined to be with me and suffer till the story ends,'

'What happened to I am tired of your nonsense, so I am going into hibernation. I thought I would be free for a few days at least.

'Aww will my wittle little Kiara miss me?' winter says in a baby voice

'The person you are trying to talk to is not going to respond anymore, please go away after beep beeeeeeeeep.' I mock winter with her own words.

'Fine, but I will be back. You just wait.'

I roll my eyes and go to Ryder's room. I need him for what I am planning. I enter and see him playing on his Xbox.

"Hey, Ryder, you ready for some fun?" I say while sitting on the bean bag.

"What did Reed do this time?" he asks, his eyes not leaving the screen

"Wait. How did you know he did something?" I ask him, clearly shocked.

"Well, your interpretation of fun means pranks, and you came to me. So that means you are not going to prank me, and dad is at work, so you are not going to prank him, and well mom has gone shopping, so she is also not an option, and that leaves only Reed. I also heard you guys running down the stairs."

Well, Ryder is clever for a 13-year-old, and he is also very observant.

"You know me so well," I say and convey my plans to Ryder. After fifteen minutes, the plan is set into motion, and all we have to do is wait. Meanwhile, Raven came home with the groceries, so Ryder and I helped her, and now we are sitting and talking.

"KIARAAAAAAA, I AM SO GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Reed shouts from his room. Ryder and I share a look and start chuckling. Raven looks confused. Soon we hear footsteps running down the stairs, and Reed walks in.

All three of us burst out laughing, looking at him. Now I present to you SPARKLING REED. He is completely covered in pink dye that I put in his body wash and shampoo, along with some pink, silver and golden glitter. He also has pink teeth due to the food colour I put in his toothbrush.

"Well, aren't you sparkling?" I say before falling into another fit of laughter. I accidentally fall of my chair and start laughing, rolling on the floor. I see Ryder with his lips pressed together, trying not to laugh, and Raven Is taking a picture of her oh so sparkling son.

My thoughts send me into another fit of laughter.

"Well, isn't this gold?" Ryder says before laughing at his own joke.

Reed suddenly starts chasing me, and Ryder, trying to hug us. We run away from him, laughing our butt off. But soon, Reed catches us and gives us the biggest hug, successfully covering us in glitter.

"See! now your nickname perfectly fits you, sparkle," Reed says before laughing.

After the whole prank incident, we all go take a shower and get ready for the day. I spend the rest of the day watching Netflix and finishing my homework, with help from Ryder for my math homework. What? Don't laugh. He is much cleverer than I am in math. When we advance in math, we start forgetting the basics. Like, how we double check if 10+10 equals 20. Math is one subject I hate a lot.

When Blake came home and sees Reed completely pink, he burst out laughing, congratulating us for our prank.

"This colour will go off right?" Reed asks during dinner.

"Don't worry, it is only temporary. It will go off in two days." I tell him with a chuckle.

"Don't laugh. I won't be able to meet my friends tomorrow," he tells me with a fake glare.

"What? Scared that they will see how sparkling you are?" I ask him and burst out laughing. Reed suddenly start squirming in his seat.

"Are there any ants here, mom?" he asks Raven.

"No, honey," she answers him.

"Well, there might be itching powder," Ryder says innocently before eating a spoonful of pasta.


Ah, what a perfect way to end a perfect day. I smile.


Hey, guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know in the comments. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe. Remember God loves you.


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