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Listen to the song above while reading this chapter for extra feels

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Listen to the song above while reading this chapter for extra feels. *wink* *wink*

"Nishinoya, I swear, I will roast you alive if you don't receive the ball," I bark at my tv. I am watching the match between Karasuno and Aoba Jousei. They already lost once, and my heart can't handle another loss.

"Come on, Hinata, don't you want to beat the great king," I desperately say to my tv screen. I swear this match has already taken five years off my life. When they show, the ball falling in slow motion, my heart stopped.

"Yahoo, come on, guys. Its match point," I was so concentrated on the game I didn't see Reed enter the room until he hits me with the pillow.

"Oof," I cry when the pillow hits my face. I glare at Reed, and he grins.

"Come on, sparkle, mom and dad want us down. They have some important news," I pause my tv and go downstairs. My heart is thumping because of two main reasons, does Karasuno win? And what is the news?

I see everyone gathered in the living room, and Raven and Blake are smiling. We all settle down.

"So, I have some good news," Raven informs, smiling wildly.

Blake places a file in front of Andrew, and he raises his eyebrow. Raven asks him to open it, and he opens the file and starts reading. His hands start trembling, and he drops the file.

"H- he is in jail?" Andrew asks Raven. She smiles.

"Yeah, you just have to go to court next Monday and give a testimony, and he will be in jail for life," Blake informs Andrew.

Andrew seems shocked to say anything.

"There is more," Blake informs, handing him another file. He reads it, and tears start falling from his eyes uncontrollably. I look at Reed curiously, and he shrugs.

"Thes- These are.."

"Adoption papers," Raven completes, and my eyes widen.

"You are not 18 yet, so you will not be allowed to live alone. You would have been in a foster home. If they are also abusive, none of us would be at peace. So, we decided to pull some strings with the help of our family lawyer and decided to adopt you," Blake finishes.

"Your mom asked me to take care of you, and I failed. This is the least I can do," Raven smiles, hugging Andrew.

"Welcome to the family, Andrew," Reed grins. Ryder runs and hugs Andrew.

"I have another brother," Ryder shouts. I laugh and start crying happy tears. Andrew approaches me with a huge smile and tears streaming down his face. He hugs me tight, whispering 'thank you,' over and over again. He finally has a family.

"I have four kids now," Raven beams. Four? I raise an eyebrow.

"Did you forget about yourself?" Raven says, chuckling. I smile and hug her.

Reed is talking to Andrew and, Andrew says something which leads Reed to put him in a headlock, and they start laughing. Ryder comes and hugs me. I hold him tight, and Raven and Blake are smiling, looking at all of us.

"Ok, Andrew, come with us, honey, there are a few more steps, and we need you for it," Andrew nods.

"Kiara, Reed is staying home. Are you coming?" Raven questions.

"Nope, I have an important match to see. My heart will burst if I delay anymore," I respond, and Raven chuckles.

"Fine, but be ready by 7. We are going out for dinner,"

"Affirmative," I salute. Soon, they all leave, and I go upstairs to continue the match. I pass Reed's room and see him pacing with his hands on his hips, and he is mumbling something.

"Reed, Is something wrong?" I ask him, entering the room. He yelps, startled.

"Kiara, what are you doing here?" He sighs.

"Um, I live here,"

"Ok, smarty pants. I asked, what are you doing in my room?"

"I saw you pacing and came to ask if something is wrong,"

"Ok, it is time. Don't back out now, Reed. You are the school's bad boy," he mumbles to himself.

He takes a deep breath and approaches me, and stops inches away. He looks directly into my eyes.

"I love you, sparkle,"

I freeze. Wait. Did he say what I think he said?

'Yes, turnip head,' Winter says.

'I am not a turnip head,'

'You are because he told you he loves you, and you are talking to me,'

'Maybe he loves me as a sister,'

'He would not be this nervous if he loved you as a sister,'

"Wait, are you talking to yourself?" Reed asks with amusement in his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean NO NO. Well, technically, yeah, but it is also a no. There is this thing in my mind which talks to me occasionally, and I named her Winter, and she just now called me a turnip head, and I don't have a turnip head, right? Yeah, I am also rambling and going off-topic but, can you please repeat what you said?" I finish feeling my face heat up. He chuckles.

"I love you, sparkle," he states once again.

"You don't have to say it back. You changed my life. I was scared and hated love. You made me fall in love again,"

"I fell in love with your monster hair when you wake up in the morning. I fell in love with your grumpiness. I fell in love with your pranks. I fell in love with how you cry when your favourite anime character dies. I fell in love with how you get angry when someone messes with your friends. All in all, I fell in love with you,"

"I am sorry if I am too straightforward. You don't have to say it back. I Can take you on a date and then you can decide if you like me or-"

"I love you too, Reed," I say, interrupting his rambling.

"Yeah, I know you don't feel the same, so-"

"Wait, did you say you love me too?" he asks in disbelief. I chuckle.

"Yes, Reed. I love you. I love how you only drink coffee in your favourite cup and refuse any other cup. I love how you pretend to hate my pranks but, you secretly love them. I love how you annoy Ryder to show him your love. I love your bad boy personality. All in all, I love you, too," I tell him, blushing, and he smiles wildly.

He gazes at me lovingly and leans in gently. I softly open and close my eyes, waiting for him. I feel his breath on my face and then his lips on mine. I kiss him back slowly, pouring all my love and affection for him into the kiss. He pulls me closer by the waist, and I put my hands around his neck. We break apart, for air and he pecks my lips once more. We smile at each other, and he places his forehead on mine, never breaking eye contact. My first kiss with the person I love.

"I love you so much, sparkle. I promise to be with you in your highs and lows, and I will be with you until you can ride your wave," he promises, looking directly into my eyes. I chuckle, and he pecks my nose and kisses me again, softly caressing my cheek.

We lie down in his bed and cuddle the rest of the day, and he often stole kisses from me, saying how happy he was. We all went for dinner that night, and I went to bed that day contempt with my life.

My first love.


FINALLY, they confessed. I am so happy. Let me know what you think. Remember Jesus loves you.

Author 😍

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