She knows the truth

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It was another day in school Noah and I are sitting in English class and we are waiting for Mr William to come

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It was another day in school Noah and I are sitting in English class and we are waiting for Mr William to come. Sir comes to class after a few minutes places a cup of coffee on the table and leaves telling us that he will be back in five minutes.

I turn to Noah and see him looking at the coffee cup with a grin that screams PRANK. Oh no not again.

"Noah no whatever you are thinking don't do it. You don't want to add another detention to your record, do you?" I ask him.

He looks at me the grin on his face never leaving. He simply gets up goes to the table and he does a 360-degree check to make sure no one is watching him. He lifts the coffee cup and takes a chewing gum out of his pocket he chews on it for a few seconds and he sticks the chewed gum on the table and places the cup on top of it and presses it firmly. He tries to move the cup and it doesn't even budge. I can actually see the steam from the coffee, Mr. William is going to get burnt today.

He jumps and turns around to me and wiggles his eyebrows rubbing his hands together and grins even wider which sends a shiver down my spine. He looks like an incarnation of the devil.

My mind is exaggerating now.

'Hey don't blame me. I am you so you are only exaggerating not me' winter says

'Dummy if I exaggerate basically you are also exaggerating because we are the same person' I tell in a duh tone

'Nope you and I are not the same people because I can also talk now'

'No, you can't talk on your own. I make you talk'

'Whatever floats your boat honey'

'Don't call me that idiot'



'Hehe you called yourself dumb' winter tells me

'Oh, so now we are the same person' I mock her.

'The person you are trying to call has had enough of Kiara's nonsense and has gone to hibernation please leave a message after the beep beeeeeeeeeep'

'Why oh why must you torture me'

I finish my conversation just in time to see Mr William enter the class. He places a book on the table and takes a seat. He goes to take his coffee but it doesn't even budge he tries to move the cup a few more times in vain. He places the book down and tries to move the cup with more force.

"Ahhhhh." Mr William screams as the coffee spills all over his shirt and hands. He tries to blow on his hands and shirt trying to soothe the burning. The whole class erupts into a fit of laughter.

"Mr Anderson detention after school." He says and leaves the class to cool himself. Hey, see what I did there he is going to cool himself because the coffee is hot and also, he is angry with Noah.

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