Endless Night

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"ANDREW," I shout over the sound of the music and run to him

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"ANDREW," I shout over the sound of the music and run to him. Reed follows behind.

Noah, Luke, and Reed help carry Andrew outside. We place him on a bench, and I sprinkle water on his face. After three more times, he slowly wakes up.

"What happened?" he asks groggily. I release a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"You fainted," Kate informs, hugging him. I sit down, feeling relieved. Reed comes and hugs me. I hug him back, holding him tight.

"Andrew, why did you clutch your chest. Do you feel any pain?" I ask him, worried.

"No, Kiara. I was too excited, so I didn't eat the whole day. I also have a gastric problem. If I don't eat for a long period, I will faint. Nothing new" he smiles sheepishly.

"Don't ever scare us like that," I hug him.

"Come on, they are announcing prom king and queen," Andrew says excitedly and goes to leave when Kate stops him.

"Where do you think you are going? You sit here and get some air. I will bring you something to eat and drink," Andrew pouts.

"Fine, you guys go and tell me who wins," Andrew pushes us inside.

"Take care," we all head back inside.

"Ladies and gents. The moment you have all been anticipating. I am going to announce you, prom king and queen. Any guesses for prom king?"

"Reed, Reed, Reed," the whole gym starts chanting his name. I laugh.

"That's right, folks. Your prom king is Reed Scott," I cheer along with the crowd as Reed goes to the stage.

"Next, your prom queen,"

"Kiara Tennyson," I stand there shocked. What? I didn't vote for me.

"We wanted to give you a once in a lifetime experience, and that includes being the prom queen. Go get your crown, girl," Ava informs, pushing me towards the stage.

I am a hundred per cent sure that my friends did something. I laugh thinking about that and head to the stage. The announcer places a crown and hands me a bouquet.

"Now time for the prom king and queen dance," Reed takes my hand, and we start dancing. I look at each and everything and take it all in.

Who knew that I would get an opportunity to come to America. Who knew that I would make so many amazing friends. One and a half year has passed since I came here. Time went by magically fast. It would have been amazing to stay here some more time.

I didn't tell anyone this, but I have applied for universities here. If I get into anyone, I would get a place for my own and stay here.

After dancing for some time, we all head back to Andrew. I look up at the sky and admire the beautiful night filled with stars. I wish time would just stay still. I want to live in this moment forever. It pains me that the night has to come to an end.

"Guys, I don't want this night to come to an end lets go somewhere," Noah suggests speaking my mind. He winks at me. I smile back gratefully.

"I have the perfect place," Luke grins. After some time, I find myself staring at a beautiful lake. This one is different from the one Reed took me. This one looks more beautiful.

"I come here when I need someplace to clear my mind," Luke shrugs.

"This is beautiful," I gawk, lying down on the grass. Everyone follows suit, and we all lie down and admire the beautiful stars.

Today has been a roller coaster ride. From enjoying a beautiful night to getting worried for Andrew and being crowned prom queen.

"Do you guys remember senior prank day?" Andrew starts.

"I pranked Kiara telling her that I would not participate in any pranks that day. Her face looked like a whale when she thought she looked cute," Noah says, laughing. I pout.

"Noah running around the school in a batman costume was even more hilarious," Ava recollects laughing.

"Kiara convincing Raven that she was doing a Tik Tok dance was epic," Andrew laughs.

"Hey, why is everyone attacking me?" I whine.

"I didn't know what else to do," I protest.

"Text me like a sane person, duh!!" he exclaims.

"OH OH, pranking victoria was a whole new level. You know I often found her hiding from the students so that she would not get laughed at,"

"She looked like a clown without no eyebrows," Reed laughs.

"When you left for India, and we spent the summer vacation at the beach house, Noah flirted with a girl to get Ava jealous and let's just say Noah didn't come out of the toilet for days," Kate tells me laughing. The rest of the night we spent recollecting memories. Life may not be so bad after all.


Phew. Andrew is fine. I wish I will get a chance to attend a school dance like this. Remember Jesus loves you.

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