It's Christmas

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"KIARA ...KIARA WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMAS," Ryder shouts in my ear, effectively waking me up.

I get up so fast that I fall out of my bed with a loud thud, and I groan.

"Ugh, I am up, I am up," I say, rubbing my butt.

When my eyes adjust to the bright light, I see Ryder jumping on my bed shouting, "It's Christmas.",

"I am gonna wake up Reed," he shouts and runs out of my room.

I really don't know where he gets his energy from. That kid's hyperactive even without sugar. I glance at my clock and see it's five minutes past seven. That's early.

I hear a loud 'It's Christmas', which is followed by a loud thud. Looks like Reed fell out of bed too.

I go out to see an energetic Ryder pulling a sleepy Reed, who is rubbing his butt out of the room. I chuckle at the scene. While Ryder wakes everybody up, I quickly brush my teeth and comb my hair.

I go downstairs to see Reed and Ryder sitting around the Christmas tree with presents. I look back to see Raven and Blake enter the room.

"Merry Christmas, guys." Ryder wishes everyone. Greetings are shared and, Ryder goes first to open his present.

"Ok, this is from mom and dad," Ryder informs and opens a lego set. His eyes widen, and he lets out a squeal and hugs his parents.

Next, he opens the one from Reed. He gets a smartwatch and a mug with a picture of his whole family. They look joyful in the picture. Reed is carrying Ryder and, Raven's arm is around the boys while Blake's arm is around everyone, and Ella is sitting in-between Reed's legs. They have huge smiles on their face.

Next, Ryder opens my present. When he sees the new Xbox, his hands go to his mouth. He runs to me and throws himself at me. I lose my balance and fall back with Ryder on top of me. I put my arm around to hug him and laugh at his reaction. He lets me go, and I sit back up.

"Kiara, why did you buy such an expensive gift?" Raven scolds me with a small smile, "now, he is gonna sit in his room all day and play."

"Don't worry, Raven. I will make sure he doesn't spend too much time on it." I say to Raven winking at Ryder.

"I wanted this for a really long time thank you, Kiara," Ryder tells with a smile.

"Don't be too happy buddy, you are so going down when we play," I tell him with a smirk. He chuckles, shaking his head in disagreement.

Next, Reed opens his presents. He gets a new and latest iPhone from his parents. Ryder gifts him a scrapbook filled with happy memories and a tie-dye shirt that he made. Finally, some boy accessories that includes a bracelet with his name. Then, he opens my present. When he sees the gift, he smiles and looks at me. I got him air pods since his one seems to be repaired. And also a G-shock watch.

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