My secret is out

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It is Monday, and Andrew and I are getting ready for school

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It is Monday, and Andrew and I are getting ready for school. I hid Andrew in the house for two whole days. I am still scared that if he got found, Raven might not allow him to stay here. We wake up extra early to avoid seeing the family and go to school.

We both go downstairs, and I immediately halt when I see Raven in the kitchen. Andrew bumps into me.

"Kiara, why did you stop?" he hisses, and I look at him and put my finger on my mouth to tell him to shut up. I see him rubbing his nose, which is turning slightly pink. I sheepishly smile at him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Raven is there in the kitchen," I whisper to him. I tell Andrew to hide behind the couch while I greet her. When Raven is not looking, Andrew runs behind the couch.

"Good morning, Raven," I say, and she jumps, startled.

"Kia, what are you doing up early?" she questions.

"I have an important project to submit today for math, and I forgot to do it yesterday so, Luke and I are meeting at the café near the school to complete it," I tell her smiling sheepishly.

It is confirmed. I am going to HELL for lying so easily.

She chuckles and asks me if I want breakfast or if I will eat at the café. I inform her that I will eat at the café, and she turns back to do her work. I look towards Andrew.

I point my index and middle finger to my eyes and then at Raven. I again towards him and make a running motion with my fingers. I motion, pressing a button. I lift my hands towards the sky, and Andrew suddenly hides. I curse under my breath and look towards Raven. She looks very amused.

"What are you doing, Kiara?" she smiles.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just, you know doing, a Tik Tok dance," I lift my hands towards the sky and hit the Woah.

Thank you, TIK TOK.

She chuckles and goes back to do her work. I look at Andrew to find him trembling, trying so hard not to laugh, and I stick my tongue out at him. My whole face is red since I am so embarrassed.

I again lift my hands and motion, opening a door and then closing it. He facepalms and shakes his head, telling me he has no clue. I roll my eyes and text him.

'Idiot, what I meant was I will watch Raven, and when she is not looking at us, you run and go the garage and hide in my car,'

'Oh, sue me for not knowing what your stupid finger actions meant,' he texts me back, and I roll my eyes.

"Kiara, I am going to wake the boys," Raven informs me, and I tell her that I am leaving. I wave her goodbye, and once she is out of the room Andrew, and I dash towards the garage, and in a few minutes, we are out of the house.

We look at each other and burst out laughing.

"Tik Tok dance Kiara really," Andrew says and laughs harder.

"Shut up," I tell him, still laughing, and soon we reach the café since we have an hour before school. We both eat our breakfast, talking about random things, and I ask Andrew to walk to school since I don't want people to see him coming out of the car with me, and I drive to school.

I meet my friends at my locker.

"So, agent k. How is mission hiding Andrew coming along," Noah asks in a very formal tone, and we laugh.

"It's going good, sir," I tell him, playing along, and I tell them about the morning fiasco. Luke called me an Idiot for not texting Andrew in the first place.

Lunch comes along, and my friends and Reed and I head over to the cafeteria and find so many people crowded near our table. I push people away and what I see makes my blood boil.

Victoria, messing with Andrew. Andrew is drenched in Sause and juice.

"You are so bold now? Coming and sitting inside," She sneers at him.

In the blink of an eye, her top is covered in pasta. I look down, and I still have my food, and then I look at Kate, and she is fuming, holding an empty plate of pasta. I whistle at her.

I also go and dump my plate on that fake plastic model. The whole cafeteria bursts out laughing.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" she screeches. I close my ears at how high pitched her voice is.

"Oh me? I am just trying to put a fake barbie in her place," I smirk, motioning to her.

"Oh, please, you are ugly so, you are trying to make yourself better by calling me fake," she smirks at me.

"Sheesh, I would rather be ugly than wear clothes that fits a baby and cake my face with makeup," I tell her with a disgusted face.

The crowd oohs and shouts 'burn' at her.

"Well, at least I don't sleep with the host's son," she yells, and my breath catches in my throat. She smirks.

"Yeah, that is right everyone, Kiara here is living with Reed," she informs, and the whole cafeteria is silent. But I am fuming.

I let out a war cry and jump at her, punching and slapping, and I hear a crack. Then an arm snakes around my waist and lifts me from the fake barbie.

"Sparke calm down. She is not worth it," he tells me, I stop struggling and he lets me go. I go and grab Andrew's hand and look at her.

She has blood running down her nose.

"What are you all looking at?" Reed shouts, showing his bad boy personality. All the students turn away at once.

"Touch him one more time, and you will see hell here on earth," I threaten her and leave the cafeteria and go to our usual place. I make him sit down. I see all my friends and Reed behind me.

"I am sorry, Kiara," Andrew apologises, and I didn't respond because I am furious at him for not standing up. Luke hands Andrew some spare clothes. He goes to change while I calm myself down.

Soon Luke comes back and informs us that we are called to the principal's office, and we all go. Once we are all inside, the principal starts talking.

"So, who started it first?" he questions all of us including, the fake barbie.

"Me, sir," Kate and I both, answer not wanting others to get into trouble. We smile.

"Sir, I will explain," Andrew starts and tells him everything from the bullying by the fake barbie and also what happened today.

"Ms Davis, this is not the first time I am getting complaints about your bullying," the principal tells victoria.

"You will be suspended today and will have one week of detention, and Ms lance, you will get one day of detention, and as for Ms Tennyson, since you threw the first punch, you will also be suspended today and detention for three days," he informs.

"Ms Davis, do not think that your father's money will save you this time. I talked to your parents, and they permitted me to give you any punishment," Victoria tries to reason, but the principal starts talking again.

"Mr Parker, you can go home and rest today and come back to school tomorrow. You are all dismissed," he notifies us and goes back to his work.

Andrew and I go back home after saying goodbye to our friends. I am thankful that Raven has gone to work today. I am in so much trouble.


Hello. How are you all? Here is another chapter. Have a great day. Remember Jesus loves you.

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