A Day In My Life

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"KIARA, TIME TO WAKE UP," Keith shouts in my ear

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"KIARA, TIME TO WAKE UP," Keith shouts in my ear. I open my eyes and see all the four boys in my room. Reed has a guitar, Ryder has a toy piano, and Andrew has a trumpet. I don't even want to know where they got it.

I lie back down and cover my ears with a pillow. It has been happening for about three days now. I think God hates me so much that he made me live with four boys. Three brothers and my boyfriends. Sigh.

'I feel bad for you,' I hear winter tell me.

'Hey, I actually missed you. Where were you all this time?'

'I think the author forgot about me,'

'Author?' I ask confused.

'Never mind. I am here now. Don't think that I like you or anything just because I feel bad for you,'

'I wouldn't dream of it. I like this hate-hate relationship between us,' I say, imagining us being lovey. Eww.

'But I am happy for you. You have a family and a boyfriend who loves you very much,' she tells me with a smile.

'I know,'

"Does she need a hospital?" I hear Ryder's worried voice.

"Nah, she is fine. She rambles a lot like this," Reed assures them.

Oh, great. I am labelled as an idiot now.

"I want all of you out of my room in two seconds. Stay here if you wish to see hell," I threaten, having enough of their nonsense.

I hear footsteps leave my room, and I sigh, feeling annoyed. I get ready for the day and go downstairs for breakfast.

"Come here, I dare you," I hear Keith's voice. I find Keith and Reed standing on the counter. Both of them have paper caps on their head and a toy sword that belongs to Ryder.

Reed hits Keith but, Kei dodges and hits Reed again. Reed tries to dodge but gets hit. Ryder is playing sudoku. At least there is one mature person in this house,

"AHHHHHHHHH, WHO IS PLAYING SWORD FIGHT WITHOUT INCLUDING ME?" I hear a voice shouting and footsteps approaching the kitchen. Noah comes in after two seconds.

He is holding an umbrella, and he attacks both Reed and Keith. The three of them continue playing like little kids.

"How the hell did you even get in?" I ask Luke who comes in with Kate and Ava.

"Your mom loves us too much, so she gave us a spare key," he grins.

"I hope she regrets it. I sure do," I mutter under my breath.

Soon Andrew and Luke also join and also pull Ryder along with them to play the sword game. Boys.

I wanted to play with them because that seemed fun, but the girls forced me to gossip with them.

"So, did he ask you?" Ava enquires.

"Nope," prom is coming, and Andrew already asked Kate. Noah asked Ava and Luke asked a girl from his Spanish class.

"What is taking him so long?" Kate complains. Don't you dare think that she is worried about me. She wants me to go shopping with her. I shudder thinking that.

"Did you forget? Reed always does something extraordinary. I am sure he has something up his sleeve," Ava reassures me. I smile.

"So, now is the perfect time to play a prank on them you in?" I ask them with a smirk.

Soon the plan is set into motion. We inform the boys that we are going out but instead hide in the house. I took my car and parked it down the street, and snuck back in.

The boys are in the living room watching Fast and Furious. According to the plan, Kate switches off the main.

The light goes out, and I hear the boys mumble.

"I am not going alone," I hear Andrew's voice.

"Come on, don't be a scaredy-cat," Reed teases Andrew.

"Then why don't you go and check?" all I receive is silence.

"That's what I thought,"

"Let's all go together," Keith finalises.

"I will stay here," I hear Noah's voice. Perfect.

Kate and I go to the basement before the boys and Ava stays with Noah.

I hear the boys come in. I throw a plastic ball in their direction.

"What was that?" I hear Ryder's scared voice.

"Must be the wind," Luke reassures Ryder.

I push the empty paint cans near me, and it makes a loud clanking noise.

"AHHHH," I hear all the boys screaming. I bite my hand to keep myself from laughing out loud.

I switch on the audio, and the Bluetooth I set in the basement starts playing.

'I want to play with you. Please let me in,' a creepy girls voice starts playing.

'I swear I am very friendly. I won't hurt you,'

"That's w.. wh..what they all s.ss...say" Reed trembles. I chuckle.

'I will count till 10, and you can hide. I will catch you and then eat you,' the creepy voice, chuckles and then starts laughing the evil laugh. A shiver runs down my spine. That is scary

"AHHHHHH HELP," all the boys shout and run out of the basement. They trip and fall by the rope that Kate tied. Then Kate pours itching powder on them.

"Ahh, I think the ghost just found me," Luke shouts.

"IT ITCHES," Keith shouts, and all of them run to the pool and jump in.

"AHHHH, PLEASE DON'T EAT ME. I PROMISE THAT I DON'T TASTE GOOD. MY FRIEND LUKE DOES THOUGH," I hear Noah shouting. He also runs to the pool and jumps in.

"HEY, THANKS, NOAH," Luke yells with sarcasm.

I sit down and start laughing. The power comes back on. Soon Kate and Ava join me, and they also start laughing.

The boys soon realise what is going on. They properly look at each other and then scream once again. We added black dye to the pool.

"KIARRAAAAAAAA," all six boy's shout. They jump out of the pool and chase us. Reed catches me by my waist before I escape and throws me into the pool. I go down with a squeal.

Soon Ava and Kate are also caught and thrown inside.

"Hey, at least we will all have matching hair colours," Noah beams.

We laugh. Yep, we are matching.


Hello everyone. What is the best prank that you pulled on your friends or siblings? Let me know I would love to read them. Remember Jesus loves you.

Author 😍

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