I love him

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"So, yeah, basically Andrew is living with us now," I finish the story as we walk to the cafeteria

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"So, yeah, basically Andrew is living with us now," I finish the story as we walk to the cafeteria. It has been two days since Andrew has moved into his room. Although he feels uncomfortable at times, he is happy to live with us.

We all enter the cafeteria, and I see Andrew already sitting at our table, and he is reading a book. He does not hide his face anymore, and no one bothers him.

We all get our food and sit down.

"Hey, Andrew," Kate greets him.

"H- hey," Andrew greets, blushing furiously.

"Hey, guys," Adrian greets us. For the past two days, Adrian and Reed have been sitting with us during lunch. Reed comes and sits beside me. We got to know each other more, and let me tell you, Adrian and Noah being together is gold, both of them are hilarious.

I look around and see Noah's hand around Ava. OH, I completely forgot Noah asked her on a date last week, and I can successfully say they are dating. Adrian and Luke are talking about an upcoming match. Kate is talking about shopping to Andrew, and he is listening so intently to her. Awww. I get an idea.

"Hey, sparkle," Reed smiles. I convey my plan to him. Reed pretends like he is on a call and leaves the cafeteria, and he comes back five minutes later and goes to Andrew and whisper something in his ear. Andrew stiffens, and they both leave.

After two minutes, I ask Kate to accompany me to the infirmary. She raises her eyebrow, and I look towards my stomach. She nods, and we leave the cafeteria. When Reed sees us, he pushes Andrew inside the infirmary, and I shove Kate inside and lock the door on the outside.

When Reed went out to take a call, he convinced the nurse to give him the key, and the nurse is only five years old than us. Reed could just say hi, and she will melt. So, getting the key was not a problem.

"Kiara, what are you doing?" Andrew shouts from inside.

"Andrew, unless you come clean and say how you feel, you both will be staying here, and Reed and I have no problem in bunking class and guarding the door," I threaten him.

Reed and I sit down facing the infirmary. We look at each other and start laughing. Who knew the bad boy would help me play cupid?

"I have never had this much fun at school," Reed smiles.

"You did pull any pranks?" I ask him.

"We did, but we never get in trouble. This school needs the star quarterback. So, they never punished Adrian or me," he shrugs.

"Do you have any favourite prank?" I question.

He thinks for a moment and answers me.

"Oh, yeah, this one-time Adrian noticed our principal jogging, and you know what? He was completely bald, so we decided to expose him to the whole school.

So, when sir was on the stage introducing a female guest, we had these powerful fans that the school uses when a guest arrives. Adrian switched on the fan at full speed and turned it towards the principal. The wig flew off his head and landed on the female guest's head," I imagine the scenario and start laughing. That would have been hilarious to watch.

"You did do some crazy stuff,"

"I have never done this kind of stuff, though. Playing cupid or seducing the nurse," Reed says and shudders. The nurse is another version of victoria.

"Oh, looks like doing this can ruin your bad-boy reputation. Let me call and inform Adrian," I tease and take my phone. Suddenly my phone is snatched away, and I look towards Reed and see him inches away.

I stare into those deep brown eyes, and his eyes travel to my lips. I unconsciously bite my lower lip, and we both start leaning in. We both jump away when we hear banging on the door.

"Kiara, come on, open the door, or I swear to God, I will make you accompany me to all my shopping trips till we are sixty," Kate threatens.

"Are you guys finally dating?" I inquire. I hear Pin drop silence. I look at Reed, and he shrugs. Then Kate mumbles something.


"I FINALLY ASKED HER ON A DATE BABY, YAHOOO," Andrew shouts, and Reed and I start laughing.

I open the door and let them both out. Andrew is smiling so big, and Kate practically looks like a tomato. I again burst out laughing, and once I calm down, I hug both of them. I am very happy for them.

Andrew deserves someone who can give him happiness, and Kate is perfect. Andrew will give the world to the person he loves.

"Andrew, if you hurt my best friend, I will kill you in your sleep and Kate, if you hurt my brother, I will never talk to you," I warn them and feel a sense of déjà vu.

Andrew has tears in his eyes, and I frown. Why is he crying? Is he that happy? He hugs me tight.

"You called me your brother," he whispers.

I did, didn't I?

"You are my brother Andrew. You are my family now," I say with a smile. Kate and Reed are smiling at us.

The rest of the day goes by, and it's midnight now, and I can't seem to fall asleep. I am in my bed thinking about the near kiss. What would have happened if we didn't get interrupted? Would I have let Reed take my first kiss? He is still a player. He might be able to love again, but what is even the chance that he likes me? Maybe, he did it in the spur of the moment.

Yes, I would have let him kiss me because I love him.

I suddenly sit up. Wait. I love him. I love him.

I LOVE HIM. I love Reed. I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

I run out of my room and enter Andrew's. I see him fast asleep. I tiptoe and jump on him, he groans.

"Kiara, what want?" He slurs out his words.

"Andrew, I love him," I tell, and he abruptly sits up, making me fall off the bed.

"Oomph," Ah, that hurt, my poor back.

"I am sorry," he smiles sheepishly.

"So, who is this you love. I want to see if that person is worthy of my sister's love," he declares, holding a bat. I chuckle. Where did he even get the bat?

"Reed," I say.

"REED," he shouts, and I shush him. I am thankful that Raven's room is not on this floor.

"What happened? is there a burglar?" Reed questions entering the room, holding a shoe and rubbing his eyes. Andrew and I start laughing.

"Why did you shout my name?" he complains.

"I was just asking him to read, read not Reed a book," I tell him trying not to laugh.

"I hate reading, so I was shocked that she was asking me to read and not Reed something," Andrew plays along, and I bite my lips to stop myself from laughing.

"But you love to re-, you know what. I am tired to deal with this. Goodnight," he greets and leaves the room.

Andrew and I burst out laughing. The rest of the night, I tell Andrew everything that happened the past year and how I fell in love for the first time.


Hello. After so many chapters she finally realized she loves him. Remember Jesus loves you.


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