Following Andrew

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"Buck buck buu buuuck," Well, you all might be wondering what I am doing

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"Buck buck buu buuuck," Well, you all might be wondering what I am doing. I am chasing chickens right now. Yep, chickens. Let us rewind, shall we?


I am so excited because there is only one more period before lunch. I will give Andrew his new phone, and I cannot wait to see his reaction.

Currently, Noah and I are sitting in math class, and the teacher is mumbling something about a quiz when suddenly we hear a noise.

"Buck buck," the whole class goes silent. Pin drop silence. I look at Noah, and he has a shocked expression on his face. And then again,

"Buck buu buck," I look to the corner of the class and see a chicken eating a chicken wing which we are supposed to get in the cafeteria today. Everyone is looking at the chicken with a shocked expression.

Well, it is not every day you see a chicken eating a chicken. Someone screams outside, and Noah jumps out of his seat and runs outside. I follow him, and what I see makes my jaw drop.

Ten to fifteen chickens, running wild in the corridor, and one chicken is chasing our history teacher. HA, serves her right. She is boring. Noah starts chasing the chicken, and I help him, and students are out of the class either chasing the chickens or taking videos.

"Noah, mind explaining?" I question him since I am pretty sure he has something to do with this.

"Well, you see, my mom loves chicken, and I wanted to give them to her as a gift. I needed somewhere to keep them while the coops are getting ready," he yells because of the commotion.

"And you thought it was an amazing idea to hide them at school?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

OH great. Note the sarcasm.

Flashback ends.

So here I am now chasing the chickens with Noah. Once we have all the chickens secured, we all head to the cafeteria. I buy food for Andrew and me since it has become a routine for me.

"Hey Andrew," I greet him once I see him take a seat beside me. He waves at me. Even though it is hot, Andrew is wearing a hoodie. His whole face is covered, and I don't bother asking him since I know he will not tell me. I give him his food, and we eat in silence. I am deep in thought, pondering about what I am going to do.

Five minutes before lunch ends, I hand him his phone, and he looks at me confused.

"I know you are going to refuse but, I am not taking it back. It is your early birthday present," I assure with a smile. Andrew hugs me, taking me by surprise, and I hug him back. He silently starts crying. I pat his head, trying to console him.

Most people might think he is weak. But we do not know what other people are going through, and boys crying is not a crime. It does not mean they're frail or delicate. It just shows that they have a heart and is not afraid to show their emotions.

You have been strong for too long Andrew. Don't worry, Andrew. I will do something.

Soon lunch gets over, and Noah, Luke, Kate and Ava start laughing and talking about the chicken incident, praising Noah even though it was an accident.

Soon school comes to an end, and I send Reed a text saying that I will be home in an hour. Time to execute my plan, Following Andrew. He starts riding home, and I follow him trying to be discrete. Five minutes later, I see him pull up to a house that looks ready to crumble down to dust any moment. He enters inside, and I park my car a few houses down and walk to his house. I hear loud noises so, I pick up a baseball bat lying near a tree.

I tiptoe to the window, and I see a man shouting at Andrew. He looks like he is drunk because his eyes look bloodshot. I move closer to hear the conversation.

"Oh, so you have a friend to buy you phone now?" he shouts at Andrew, and Andrew flinches.

"So bastard, why don't you ask him for money? that is the least you can do for me since I am putting a roof over your head. You know I could have easily killed you after your mother died. She was of no use to me, just like you are," Andrew stays silent.

"Answer me, you ungrateful bastard," he yells at him and takes the empty alcohol bottle nearby him to hit Andrew.

Before I could even think, I quickly, rush inside and hit the man on his head. He falls, groaning in pain. I hit him once again, rendering him unconscious. Andrew looks like he saw a ghost and I take his hand and drag him to what I presume is his room.

"Take all the things you need. We are leaving," I inform Andrew, shaking. He takes a suitcase from under his bed and looks at me.

"I was planning on escaping today so, I already took everything I need," he tells me, looking around his room.

"Come on," I tell him and take his hand and run to my car. We get in, and I drive away as fast as I can, trembling the whole way. We soon reach home, and I am thankful that no one is home since Reed sent me a text saying he was taking Ryder out and Raven is out shopping.

"Kiara, drive me to a hotel or something," he tells me, and I shake my head. I grab his suitcase, which is surprisingly very light and head inside the house with Andrew following behind me, trying to take it back.

I take him to my room, and I sit down on my bed, trying to calm myself. I look at Andrew and see blood seeping through his hoodie. He sees it too and asks permission to take a shower. I nod, trying to process everything. He soon comes out wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.

I look at him and see the fresh bruises and cuts all over his arms, and that is when the dam breaks down. I start sobbing loudly. Andrew was getting abused, and he had to go through it all alone because I did not do anything sooner. Andrew sits down next to me and lets me cry on his shoulder.

After a good thirty minutes, I calm down and tend to all of his wounds, letting a tear fall here and there, seeing his damaged body. I apologise to him over and over again for not doing anything sooner. I knew he was getting abused. I should have taken it to the higher authorities or told Raven to take some measures.

I force Andrew to sleep in my bed and take some rest while I sort everything out. I have to know what happened to him before taking any action. I should convince Raven and Blake to let him stay. Since he is not eighteen yet, he will be in a foster home. I will not be able to be at peace if even the foster parents are abusive.

I lock my door and soon fall asleep on the couch, tired from everything that has happened.


Hey guys. I hope you are all doing good. Let me know what you think of this chapter. Remember Jesus loves you.


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